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Clip from Richard Roberts Ministries web site, on​​ ‘Seed-Faith’ -


“Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” ​​ 3 JOHN 2.


Everything in life begins with a seed. God said in Genesis 8:22, “While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest…, shall not cease.” God gave His Son, Jesus, as a seed for all mankind in order that He might bring, through salvation, “vast multitudes of God’s people to heaven” (Hebrews 2:10).

Seed-Faith is a term my father, Oral Roberts, used to refer to our giving to God as a seed we sow, and not a debt we owe. God has a plan for your needs to be met. When you sow your seed – give of your resources – you can expect that God sees your giving, and will multiply back to you what you have given, just as he promises in His word. (Luke 6:38) You can talk to God about your specific need, as you give, trusting Him and releasing your faith for that need to be met.

Here are three major keys to exercising the principle of seed-faith (giving and receiving) and seeing it work in our lives:

1. Look To God As Your Source.

He may meet our needs through other people, but they are just instruments. God is the one who meets your need. Put Him first, then He will supply… and He will do it His way…not our way…and not depending on whether the economy is up or down. It boils down to trust and going along with God’s agenda, His plan, and His timetable… His biblical principles concerning giving and receiving (Malachi 3:9-10, Matthew 6:33 & Galatians 6:7).

2. Give First Or “Seed For Your Miracle Or Need.”

You apply your faith as you give your seed…seeds of whatever you have to give…time, talents, love, forgiveness, financial resources…and God causes the mountains of need in your life to move (Matthew 17:20). You’re no longer giving out of a sense of obligation​​ to God, as something owed, but you become a seed-sower. You’re giving God opportunities to meet your need and He in turn, multiplies your seeds back to you in the form you need most (Luke 6:38).

3. Expect A Miracle.

When you give, or sow your seeds of faith, you are expecting to reap the benefits (Mark 11:24). Just as when a farmer plants his seed, he doesn’t just throw his seed on the ground and walk away. He cultivates the ground and He expects a harvest to grow. But the farmer has a “due season” for his harvest to come in. So trust God’s perfect timing for your harvest. Expect Him to multiply every seed you sow and to supply all your needs, just as He promised in Galatians 6:9 and Philippians 4:13.

God is not looking at the amount you sow; He’s looking at your heart—your motive—and your faith. No matter how little you think you have, sow it in joy and faith, expecting your seed to reap God’s miracles!




The ‘Seed-Faith’ Hoax Lives On.




 ​​​​ With regard to my article on Oral Roberts, I mentioned that his son,​​ Richard,​​ inherited​​ the established ministry when his father​​ died 15th​​ December 2009​​ at an age 91; his full name was​​ Granville Richard James Oral Roberts III.​​ But​​ already in 1985 Richard was given the​​ leadership​​ as his father retired. All according to Wikipedia.

Above I presented what exactly the ideas of Roberts’ ‘Seed-Faith’ giving are, and how he found support in certain Bible passages for this.

The first I must point out is: Roberts has taken absolutely all the Bible references out of their contexts. And I shall explain this.

3 John​​ 2,

This is a message from John, the apostle, sent to his fellow believers in the Messianic assembly in the time of Acts (28-62 CE) – and he said that he prayed for them, that they would be all well and at good health and thus also prospering just as their soul was prospering.

This has nothing to do with ‘giving money to John’s apostolic ministry,​​ so that God could give the donators blessings back. Such an idea is not found in the New Testament of the Bible. If this was the case, John would have told his readers straight out in his epistle!

Heb. 2:10,

NASB,​​ For it was​​ fitting​​ for Him, for​​ whom​​ are​​ all​​ things, and​​ through​​ whom​​ are​​ all​​ things, in​​ bringing​​ many​​ sons​​ to​​ glory, to​​ perfect​​ the​​ author​​ of their​​ salvation​​ through​​ sufferings.

Roberts points out that Jesus was given mankind as a Seed…thus bringing salvation.​​ 

Yes, He was a seed in that manner and context. Jesus Himself described this by saying that He would, like a seed, be put in the ground so it could grow up and give life.​​ Through the resurrection.

But it is a total fraud to try and make common cause with Jesus dying for our sins, as if this is the same as giving money to the preacher’s ministry so that God can bless the giver back for this. Oral Roberts cannot have been in his right mind when he invented this fraudulent concept back in the day.

Luke 6:38,

NASB,​​ "Give, and it will be​​ given​​ to you. They will​​ pour​​ into your​​ lap​​ a​​ good​​ measure​​ -pressed​​ down,​​ shaken​​ together, and​​ running​​ over. For by your​​ standard​​ of​​ measure​​ it will be​​ measured​​ to you in​​ return."

These words spoken by Jesus are interpreted by Roberts as, …you can expect that God sees your giving,​​ and will multiply back to you what you have given,​​ just as He promises in His Word.

He disregards entirely to whom this was promised, and under what context/circumstance. Nothing in Luke 6:38 were ever spoken to other than Israel and the believing Jews present.

Jesus told His people that He was not sent to anyone else, but to the​​ lost sheep of the house of Israel, Mat. 15:24.

Paul taught that Jesus was made​​ a​​ minister to the circumcision​​ (Jews) Rom. 15:8.

None of any of Jesus’ promises​​ (regardless of topic), were ever given to the Church, the ‘One New Man’ taught by Paul in Eph. 2:14-16. Jesus did not start the Church dispensation while in His earthly ministry.​​ He sent Paul​​ later on​​ to perform that ministry to us Gentiles!​​ See Eph. 3:3.​​ Roberts​​ is very unlearned and ignorant in these matters, and thus his Bible interpretation suffers from this. Bible passages are used in great error, so their meaning turns into a doctrinal lie!

God has in no way promised the Church, the Body of Christ,- ​​ that donors of money (or other values/services) would have their money-gifts​​ multiplied back to them​​ and make them prosperous and wealthy.

In real life, the ORU organization headed by Richard Roberts, are the only ones who seem to have money-gifts in abundance, by the millions which they have stolen via​​ false miracle-promises​​ to the gullible donors.

Roberts’ 3 paragraphs above, starts with​​ “1. Look to God as you source”.

Thus referring to​​ Mal. 3:9, 18; ​​ Mat. 6:33 and Gal. 6:7.

From NASB these says,

Malachi, ​​ 

9​​ "You are​​ cursed​​ with a​​ curse, for you are​​ robbing​​ Me, the​​ whole​​ nation​​ of you!​​ 

10​​ "Bring​​ the​​ whole​​ tithe​​ into the​​ storehouse, so that there may be​​ food​​ in My​​ house, and​​ test​​ Me​​ now​​ in​​ this,"​​ says​​ the​​ LORD​​ of​​ hosts,​​ "if​​ I will not​​ open​​ for you the​​ windows​​ of​​ heaven​​ and​​ pour​​ out for you a​​ blessing​​ until​​ it​​ overflows​​ *.​​ 

11​​ "Then I will​​ rebuke​​ the​​ devourer​​ for you, so that it will not​​ destroy​​ the​​ fruits​​ of the​​ ground;​​ nor​​ will your​​ vine​​ in the​​ field​​ cast​​ its grapes,"​​ says​​ the​​ LORD​​ of​​ hosts.​​ 

12​​ "All​​ the​​ nations​​ will​​ call​​ you​​ blessed, for you shall be a​​ delightful​​ land,"​​ says​​ the​​ LORD​​ of​​ hosts.​​ 

13​​ "Your​​ words​​ have​​ been​​ arrogant​​ against​​ Me,"​​ says​​ the​​ LORD. "Yet you​​ say,​​ 'What​​ have we​​ spoken​​ against​​ You?'​​ 

14​​ "You have​​ said, 'It is​​ vain​​ to​​ serve​​ God; and​​ what​​ profit​​ is it that we have​​ kept​​ His​​ charge, and that we have​​ walked​​ in​​ mourning​​ before​​ *​​ the​​ LORD​​ of​​ hosts?​​ 

15​​ 'So​​ now​​ we​​ call​​ the​​ arrogant​​ blessed; not​​ only​​ are the​​ doers​​ of​​ wickedness​​ built​​ up but they​​ also​​ test​​ God​​ and​​ escape.' "​​ 

The Book of Remembrance

16​​ Then​​ those who​​ feared​​ the​​ LORD​​ spoke​​ to​​ one​​ another, and the​​ LORD​​ gave​​ attention​​ and​​ heard​​ it, and a​​ book​​ of​​ remembrance​​ was​​ written​​ before​​ Him for those who​​ fear​​ the​​ LORD​​ and who​​ esteem​​ His​​ name.​​ 

17​​ "They will be Mine,"​​ says​​ the​​ LORD​​ of​​ hosts, "on the​​ day​​ that I​​ prepare​​ My own​​ possession, and I will​​ spare​​ them as a​​ man​​ spares​​ his own​​ son​​ who​​ serves​​ him."​​ 

18​​ So you will​​ again​​ distinguish​​ between​​ the​​ righteous​​ and the​​ wicked,​​ between​​ one who​​ serves​​ God​​ and one​​ who​​ does not​​ serve​​ Him.

This misused Bible passage – of the old ordinance of Tithing – is​​ of course used by Roberts, who else! ​​ This so the believers would get a false ‘bad conscience’ if they do not give money to the ministry. Never has the ordinance been laid upon the Christian church. There are no such doctrine found with Paul in his two Church Epistles, Ephesians and Colossians. Meaning: There​​ exists no Tithing in the Church​​ dispensation! End of discussion.

The passage in Malachi was written to Israel only, and not to the other nations on earth!

Mat. 6:33,

NASB,​​ "But​​ seek​​ first​​ His​​ kingdom​​ and His​​ righteousness, and​​ all​​ these​​ things​​ will be​​ added​​ to you.”

As I pointed out above, again I tell you: Jesus said these things in His exclusive ministry to His people, the House of Israel. The passage is from the Sermon on the Mount, in which He addressed Israel only. These words were never ever spoken to the Church dispensation. Sorry Mr. Roberts, but you are entirely wrong in your assumptions.

Gal. 6:7,

NASB, ​​ “Do not be​​ deceived,​​ God​​ is not​​ mocked; for​​ whatever​​ *​​ a​​ man​​ sows,​​ this​​ he will​​ also​​ reap.

If Roberts’ actual​​ use of this passage was meant to go for monetary concerns, he is greatly mistaken. Paul wrote of evil works, evil lifestyle, and if one sows evil things (sinful carnal things) he shall reap of this very same misfortune. This has nothing to do with money in the form of ‘Seed-Faith’ giving and the like. Verse 8 says it very clearly,

“For the one who​​ sows​​ to his​​ own​​ flesh​​ will from the​​ flesh​​ reap​​ corruption, but the one who​​ sows​​ to the​​ Spirit​​ will from the​​ Spirit​​ reap​​ eternal​​ life.”

Paul wrote of salvation here, and not at all the giving of money as such.

Roberts’ third paragraph he named,​​ “Expect a Miracle”.

Using Bible passages from​​ Gal. 6:9 and Phil. 4:13,



Let us not​​ lose​​ heart​​ in​​ doing​​ good, for in​​ due​​ time​​ we will​​ reap​​ if we do not​​ grow​​ weary.


I​​ can​​ do​​ all​​ things​​ through​​ Him who​​ strengthens​​ me.

Roberts wrote:​​ …Expect Him to​​ multiply every seed you sow,​​ and to supply all your needs, just as He promised in Gal. 6:9 and Phil. 4:13.



‘Seed-Faith’​​ giving, as presented by Richard Roberts who took this from his father Oral Roberts, is a total cynical hoax. He is guilty of seducing his believers by serving false miracle-promises, supposedly ‘given by God’.

In real life, we find that God never promised such things to the Church.

He once dealt with His nation Israel, and gave them certain promises of wealth and prosperity …conditionally… IF THEY OBEYED HIM​​ and kept His commandments (Exodus​​ 19:5, 6). They did not, and were​​ punished for this, as we read Bible history.

But regarding the Church, the Body of Christ as found in Ephesians and Colossians,​​ there are no such ordinances or covenants. We have been given a​​ free Grace salvation by faith alone,​​ no works. Miracle gifts and healings were only given to Israel’s Messianic believers during the ministries of the apostles. And that’s it.






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Clip from Time Magazine’s archive (time.com) an

​​ old news article regarding Oral Roberts.​​ 

Dated originally July 11, 1955!




Religion: Deadline from God


 ​​​​ Almighty God, says a handsome, snappily dressed Oklahoman, has personally asked him, in audible tones, to win a million souls by July 1, 1956. This theophanous request—especially with a deadline—might give pause to many a lesser man, but it is made to order for the special talents of the Rev. Oral Roberts, 37-year-old evangelist and faith healer and the U.S.’s newest religious comet.​​ 

Almost 2,000,000 people in the U.S. and South Africa have already heard Roberts’ orotund voice, been exposed to his high-pressure evangelism. He has conducted 20 successful crusades, set up regular programs on 223 radio and 98 TV stations throughout the U.S., gone into the publishing business with books, tracts and two magazines (total circ. 5,000,000). But his most valuable asset is his “healing” right arm, through which, he says, the power of God flows like a current of electricity.​​ 

On the Floor. “Getting saved made many great changes for me,” wrote Roberts in his autobiography (100,000 copies sold, at $1.50 each). This is probably the only understatement of which he has ever been guilty. The son of a struggling revivalist preacher in Ada, Okla., he was, at the age of 16, at “the end of the way,” afflicted with tuberculosis and stuttering. Despairing of his life, his family took him to a revivalist healer. On the way, God spoke to him for the first time in an audible voice. Said He: “Son, I am going to heal you, and you are to take My healing power to your generation.”​​ 

Roberts got well, became a preacher of the Pentecostal Holiness Church, traveled all over the U.S. For twelve years, he says, God did not give him the promised healing powers. One day he locked himself in his church study in Enid, Okla. and addressed himself to God: “I​​ am going to find You. I will lie down on this floor before You and start praying. I will never rise until You speak to me.” After several hours, he recounts, God ordered him to get up (“He spoke like a military commander”), get in his car, drive one block and turn right. As he started the right turn God gave him the healing power. Oral drove to the parsonage, ran into the house and shouted to his wife: “Evelyn, cook me a meal; the Lord has spoken to me!”​​ 

On the Road. Roberts promptly moved to Tulsa and set up headquarters. From then on, he says, “the thing mushroomed.” Today, in a modern, air-conditioned building in Tulsa, an office staff of 155 keeps tab on Roberts’ highly organized Healing Waters Inc., using row upon row of files and machines to sort and answer thousands of letters that pour in daily, handling magazine, tract and book distribution and keeping books on the evangelist’s thriving financial affairs. On the road, another staff of twelve rolls across country in eight stainless-steel truck trailers. Their cargo: a 200-by-360-ft. tent that Roberts claims is the largest evangelistic tent in the world, an aluminum preaching platform that can hold 60 people, a 60,000-watt lighting and public-address system and sundry other equipment worth $240,000.​​ 

Roberts begins his revival meetings by warming up the audience with a session of lively hymn singing, then launches into a hellfire sermon, storming up and down the platform with microphone in hand. When he finally asks the unsaved to come forward, hundreds troop down the aisles past the shiny aluminum tent-poles. During the service Roberts also asks for contributions, which may average $2,000 for an audience of 10,000.​​ 

On the Offense. The laying on of hands is the climax. The halt, the lame and the blind file up, or are pushed or carried, before Roberts one by one. He prays for each one, sometimes seizing a head and wriggling it vigorously or pumping an arthritic arm up and down. “I ask the Lord to deliver our sister here from sugar in her blood,” he cries. “Heavenly Lord, take the head noises away from this woman.” Last week outside Harrisburg, Pa., an emaciated youth afflicted by polio and epilepsy rose unsteadily from his pallet after Roberts touched him on the first night of a 10-day crusade. “Oh, Jesus,” moaned the crowd. “There he goes.”​​ 

Thousands claim to have been cured through Roberts of everything from tuberculosis to menopause troubles, but most return home with the same ailments with which they came. Roberts’ critics have accused him of shrewdly selecting hysterics and effecting only temporary relief. Earlier this year in Phoenix, Ariz., a group of ministers offered, while Roberts was in town, to pay $1,000 for any proof of divine healing, got no comers. Of such doubters, Roberts says: “I’ll leave them to their theology. I’m out to save souls. I have more friends among doctors than among ministers.”



Late 40’ties to late 50’ties:

It Seems Like America Was Flushed Over With Healers.

Were They​​ Sent by God?




 ​​ ​​ ​​​​ I​​ HAVE WRITTEN articles, even books, on the so-called ‘Faith healers’ from this time​​ period.

Sifting through the ministries of T.L. Osborn, William Branham, Oral Roberts, A.A. Allen, Kenneth Hagin Sr., Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen, and others.

I thought it useful just to let you have the opportunity to read this short article clip, which was published by Times Magazine in 1955.

They all have in common that they believe that Jesus Christ chose them and​​ called them in particular to go and heal the sick. As well as preaching the Gospel. They all, eventually, managed to get on the TV-Screens of​​ their time.​​ Oral Roberts’ lied as he told the world what God had said to him in audible voice:​​ “Son, I am going to heal you and​​ you are to take My healing power to your Generation”.​​ Referring to Roberts’ tuberculosis and his stuttering infirmities.​​ 

They all displayed a doctrine of faith which by no means conforms to the Bible’s statements.

For instance, we cannot ever find any apostle in the Bible, who was called and ordered​​ specifically​​ to go healing the sick!

Healing the sick is NOT a Biblical ministry.

However, the apostles of Christ were told to go​​ preach the Gospel, and God should let His miraculous power follow them, such as signs through healing of the sick, casting out of demons, speaking in tongues. The Acts history is full of such signs following the ministries of the apostles.​​ Not one among the apostles was ‘spoken to by God’ the Father, that He would heal anyone of them. It was Jesus Who spoke to them, whatever the topic. The only exception was when God told​​ Peter,​​ James​​ and​​ John​​ to listen to Jesus, at the revelation on Mt. Tabor (Mat. 17:5). Oral Robert’s lie about God speaking to him audibly is way out of line of anything found in NT.

The mentioned faith-healers of the late forties and fifties in USA, all had/have a​​ major false conception​​ as to how we are to interpret the​​ Bible. Do we find anyone in the NT who…upon their own free will and choice, just got going and went out to preach the Gospel? No, we only find the limited number of 12, plus that 1 apostle added to these: Paul (Acts 9).​​ There were not hundreds of apostles roaming around and emptying the eventual overfilled hospitals of sick patients!

Looking more closely on what exactly the young Oral Roberts claimed in 1955, before the journalist from Times, we find that his ideas was total ‘bananas’ – that God Almighty had laid upon Roberts to ….quote,​​ …save 1 million people before July 1, 1956…

None of the apostles were ever told to go and save millions…within one year. Such a claim from Oral Roberts seems entirely silly.

Oral Roberts, in other words, LIED regarding God having spoken to him by audible voice. Cause God has not called anyone in particular since He called Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles. God did not send APOSTLES to us Gentiles, - He just sent us AN APOSTLE…one man​​ only, namely Paul as we all know.​​ No lying self-ordained TV-Healer or ‘prophet’ can just pop up and take over the stage. We were – in the eyes of Christ – granted ONE apostle, and that’s it. Today Paul’s Gospel is found almost everywhere you arrive. In any nation, with just a few exceptions.

After Paul died around 67 CE executed under Nero’s rule in Rome, there has​​ not been sent​​ any new apostle to the Gentiles. Paul left us his two Church-epistles to which we are to lean on regarding Faith Doctrine for all Christ believers from that time on.​​ This is non-negotiable truth.

When these preposterous lying​​ lovers of filthy lucre,​​ self-ordained ‘evangelists/teachers/apostles/TV-Healers’, and what not,​​ stood forth in public, we easily exposed​​ them all as frauds.​​ Their lifestyle gives them away!​​ And their confusing ‘Bible doctrine’ attesting to us what​​ sort of​​ lies they all propagate.

One more – in my eyes ridiculous – ‘feature’ following these charlatans is that they all became rich and wealthy, beyond measure. They enrichened themselves by taking funds meant for evangelization and mission, and built​​ themselves these​​ huge mansions,​​ plus​​ big business high rises (take a look at ORU organization’s magnificent center​​ here), City of Faith Hospital,​​ a​​ multi-million dollar enterprise​​ so they could​​ brag and be prideful.​​ But that ‘City of Fait Hospital’ was forced to shut down in 1989 due to lack of money, since there was a latent ‘lack of patients’. It is about​​ money-money-money…in the rich man’s world…quoting a known Abba-song!​​ 

They all are entirely different from any of Christ’s elect apostles.​​ 

They appear to me as such ones who, in lack of Bible understanding, and filled with greed, go on and disgracing the name of Jesus Christ. They have made merchandise of the Gospel and its believers. Grab their wallets, the faster the better!​​ 

It is said that …when the Gospel reached Europe it was turned into a religion; but when coming to America it was turned into a business!

This saying is very true.

Oral Roberts became known (or infamous) for his book​​ on​​ “Seed Faith” – you know,​​ if you give money to his ministry then God shall multiply the​​ amount you gave, and give you more back than what you invested. What a cynical lie!

This derives from an utter​​ false Bible interpretation​​ of what Jesus told in one of His parables. It has nothing to do with the Church dispensation, but He spoke of the future coming Kingdom of God on earth, the millennial rule of Christ (Rev. 20:4). At His Second Advent those who had given money to the apostolic ministry would be paid back with high interest rates, more like the stock-markets.​​ We learn that Barnabas, Paul’s companion on his first mission tour in the Empire, he had sold his property and given all the money to the apostolic ‘bank’ under Peters super-vision​​ (Acts 4:32-37).​​ The​​ ignorant and unlearned ‘Faith healers’ of our time does not have any serious knowledge in the Bible, especially the New Testament.​​ They are in great error when they constantly are using the four Gospel’s – like for instance the parables of Jesus, as basis for their beliefs. It has to go wrong.

All signs, miracles, healings, etcetera, ENDED in the first century. These signs followed ONLY the thirteen apostles whom Christ had elected.

These signs were not ever given to others that to Israel’s believers, represented by the apostles (1 Cor. 14:21, 22). Paul wrote of tongues as a sign for Israel. However, Christ had mentioned several other signs which of course are included in this: Healing of​​ the​​ sick, casting out of demons,​​ and more.​​ Let me also mention protection from snakes, and from getting poisoned. Only the apostles had this​​ power​​ given to them​​ (Mark 16).

Oral Roberts​​ and all his fellow believers and​​ followers, then and to this​​ very day​​ (2024)​​ – are totally mistaken.

His son, Richard Roberts, is unfortunately carrying his father’s misconception of the Gospel, in that he promises healings and the lot. IMAGE: Young Brown, Jack Moore,​​ William Branham, Oral Roberts and Gordon Lindsay – from 1948.

We are not to ‘follow our fathers’ – we are to​​ follow Paul​​ and the Doctrine of Faith he established for the Church dispensation!

Paul’s two ONLY epistles to the Church dispensation, Ephesians and Colossians,​​ has not the​​ least clue to any promises of miracles, healings, tongues, prophesying, casting out of demons, Seed-Faith-Giving,​​ water baptism, confession of sins, Holy communion,​​ - you name​​ it. No signs,​​ -​​ and neither are there any ordinances or holy feast days or Sabbath (Col. 2:13-17).​​ Also, Paul kept out even the​​ Parousia –Greek for the Second Advent, as well as anything connected to end times on earth, such as the Anti-Christ and the Great Tribulation, not to mention the so-called Rapture theology.​​ In Paul’s Church epistles we find zero of these things. It’s a ‘No go’.

Have a dose of Paul’s recipe for a balanced life as we are waiting for the ‘day of redemption’ –

Col. 3:1-4,​​ NASB,

“1​​ Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.​​ 


2 Set​​ your​​ mind​​ on the things​​ above, not on the things that are on​​ earth.​​ 


3​​ For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.​​ 


4​​ When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.​​ 


5​​ Therefore consider the members of your earthly body as dead to immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and greed, which amounts to idolatry.​​ 


6​​ For it is because of these things that the wrath of God will come upon the sons of disobedience,​​ 


7​​ and in them you also once walked, when you were living in them.​​ 


8​​ But now you also, put them all aside: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and abusive speech from your mouth.​​ 


9​​ Do not lie to one another, since you laid aside the old self with its evil practices,”​​ 







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The year 5-4 BC, which must be the correct time​​ for the birth of Jesus, means to us that Jesus must have died​​ on the cross​​ during Passover 28 CE. He was in the age of 30 when He started His public ministry, and​​ was​​ 33 when He ended it. Luke 3:23;​​ 13:7.​​ In the latter we find Jesus saying of Himself, through this parable, that He had come to look for fruit on that ‘Barren fig tree’ (Israel) for THREE YEARS, NASB,

​​ "And he​​ said​​ to the​​ vineyard-keeper,​​ 'Behold,​​ for​​ three​​ years​​ I have​​ come​​ looking​​ for​​ fruit​​ on​​ this​​ fig​​ tree​​ without​​ *​​ finding​​ any.​​ Cut​​ it​​ down!​​ Why​​ does it​​ even​​ use​​ up the​​ ground?'

Trailing the calendar years in which we find it possible – that Messiah would die according to Daniel’s prophecy of the 70 weeks of years in Dan. 9 – one can find only two particular​​ years in which the Passover matches the Gospel’s narratives, - the years of 28 CE and 31 CE.

These two years are the​​ only ones​​ in which Passover (14th​​ Nisan) fell on our Wednesday. For the Bible truth told of the women arriving at the tomb on​​ Sunday​​ morning, Jesus must have been crucified on a Wednesday. And the year 31 CE was NOT that year.​​ In 31 CE Jesus would have been 36 years of age.​​ 

To match Luke’s timeline, Jesus died at age​​ 33, becoming 34 later that year;​​ it leaves us only 28 CE as the correct year. See my​​ separate article​​ on this web site in which I explain this very thoroughly.​​ Titled:​​ What Day of the Week Was Jesus Crucified?.​​ You will see that the​​ Catholic error​​ of preaching that Jesus died on a Friday is entirely wrong. It crashes with the Gospel’s historical accounts. Every Jewish Passover has TWO Sabbaths celebrated. The first of these is the one after the 14th​​ of Nisan, which is 15th​​ of Nisan (a Thursday​​ in 28 CE). Thus we find in the Gospels that one refers to ‘after the Sabbath’ and another Gospel says ‘before the Sabbath’. This is the key to understand that Wednesday was the day of the crucifixion.​​ It leaves us with only the Friday as a day when the women could buy oils and spices to care for Jesus’ dead body.​​ 

Mary was visited by God’s Arch Angel Gabriel, the angel we find in Scripture as the one who are used by the Lord especially in regard to the prophesies of Israel and their Messiah king. Gabriel revealed himself to Mary in 6-5 BC (given a normal term of 9 months pregnancy) -​​ 

Luke 1:26-38,​​ NASB,

“26​​ Now in the sixth month​​ (My remark: refers to Elisabeth’s pregnancy)-​​ the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city in Galilee called Nazareth,​​ 


27​​ to a virgin engaged to a man whose name was Joseph, of the descendants of David; and the virgin's name was Mary.​​ 


28​​ And coming in, he said to her, "Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you."​​ 


29​​ But she was very perplexed at this statement, and kept pondering what kind of salutation this was.​​ 


30​​ The angel said to her, "Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favor with God.​​ 


31​​ "And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.​​ 


​​ 32​​ "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David;​​ 


33​​ and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end."​​ 


34​​ Mary said to the angel, "How can this be, since I am a virgin * *?"​​ 


35​​ The angel answered and said to her, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.​​ 


36​​ "And behold, even your relative Elizabeth has also conceived a son in her old age; and she who was called barren is now in her sixth month.​​ 


37​​ "For nothing * * will be impossible with God."​​ 


38​​ And Mary said, "Behold, the bondslave of the Lord; may it be done to me according to your​​ word."​​ ​​ And the angel departed from her.



25-28 CE – the three years of Jesus ministering to Israel.​​ This I will have to limit down to passages I have selected, so it should not make this article too long.


Jesus kind of ‘warmed up’ His audiences by the renowned miraculous incident of the wedding feast in Cana. He made fine wine​​ out of water! And so we see the marvelous divine power He had as the Son of God Almighty. This incident points much to His disciples: seeing such a wonder, a sign, they believed in Him even more. Jesus performed that which was ENTIRELY IMPOSSIBLE BY MAN.


John 2:1-11,​​ NASB,


1​​ On the third day there was a wedding in Cana of Galilee, and the mother of Jesus was there;​​ 


2​​ and both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding.​​ 


3​​ When the wine ran out, the mother of Jesus said to Him, "They have no wine."​​ 


4​​ And Jesus said to her, "Woman, what does that have to do with us? My hour has not yet come."​​ 


5​​ His mother said to the servants, "Whatever * * He says to you, do it."​​ 


6​​ Now there were six stone waterpots set there for the Jewish custom of purification, containing twenty or thirty gallons each.​​ 


7​​ Jesus said to them, "Fill the waterpots with water." So they filled them up to the brim.​​ 


8​​ And He said to them, "Draw some out now and take it to the headwaiter." So they took it to him.​​ 


9​​ When the headwaiter tasted the water which had become wine, and did not know where it came from (but the servants who had drawn the water knew ), the headwaiter called the bridegroom,​​ 


10​​ and said to him, "Every man serves the good wine first, and when the people have drunk freely, then he serves the poorer wine; but you have kept the good wine until now."​​ 


11​​ This beginning of His signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee, and manifested His glory, and His disciples believed in Him.


Absolutely all four historic gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, recorded many signs and miracles and healings which Jesus did among the people in Israel the three years He ministered and told them that the kingdom of God was at hand.


Jesus died on the cross, and was raised from the dead on the third day. I shall use John’s narrative here, Mary Magdalene reporting to the disciples.


John 20:1-18,​​ NASB, ​​ 


1​​ Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, while it was still dark, and saw the stone already taken away from the tomb.​​ 


2​​ So she ran and came to Simon Peter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, and said to them, "They have taken away the Lord out of the tomb, and we do not know where they have laid Him."​​ 


3​​ So Peter and the other disciple went forth, and they were going to the tomb.​​ 


4​​ The two were running together; and the other disciple ran ahead faster than Peter and came to the tomb first;​​ 


5​​ and stooping and looking in, he saw the linen wrappings lying there; but he did not go in.​​ 


6​​ And so Simon Peter also came, following him, and entered the tomb; and he saw the linen wrappings lying there,​​ 


7​​ and the face-cloth which had been on His head, not lying with the linen wrappings, but rolled up in a place by itself.​​ 


8​​ So the other disciple who had first come to the tomb then also entered, and he saw and believed.​​ 


9​​ For as yet they did not understand the Scripture, that He must rise again from the dead.​​ 


10​​ So the disciples went away again to their own homes.​​ 


11​​ But Mary was standing outside the tomb weeping; and so, as she wept, she stooped and looked into the tomb;​​ 


12​​ and she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and one at the feet, where the body of Jesus had been lying.​​ 


13​​ And they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him."​​ 


14​​ When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, and did not know that it was Jesus.​​ 


15​​ Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" Supposing Him to be the gardener, she said to Him, "Sir, if you have carried Him away, tell me where you have laid Him, and I will take Him away."​​ 


16​​ Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, "Rabboni!" (which means, Teacher ).​​ 


17​​ Jesus said to her, "Stop clinging to Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, 'I ascend to My Father and your Father, and My God and your God.' "​​ 


18​​ Mary Magdalene came, announcing to the disciples, "I have seen the Lord," and that He had said these things to her.


John wrote perhaps the most emotional and touching resurrection story. This is the one which make most Christians take to their tears. And that is understandable. If you ever have​​ doubts about Jesus and Him raised​​ from the dead, all you have to do is reading again this passage! It blows away any doubts we might have.


Jesus ascending up into heaven.​​ Acts 1:9-11,​​ NASB,


“9​​ And after He had​​ said​​ these​​ things,​​ He was​​ lifted​​ up while they were​​ looking​​ on, and a​​ cloud​​ received​​ Him out of their​​ sight.​​ 

10​​ And as they were​​ gazing​​ intently​​ into the​​ sky​​ while He was​​ going,​​ behold,​​ two​​ men​​ in​​ white​​ clothing​​ stood​​ beside​​ them.​​ 

11​​ They​​ also​​ said, "Men​​ of​​ Galilee,​​ why​​ do you​​ stand​​ looking​​ into the​​ sky?​​ This​​ Jesus, who has been​​ taken​​ up from you into​​ heaven, will​​ come​​ in​​ just​​ the​​ same​​ way​​ as you have​​ watched​​ Him​​ go​​ into​​ heaven."

After this divine event, we can for the rest of the timeline find Jesus only as He revealed Himself to elect persons;​​ -​​ mainly that person was Paul, the apostle to the Gentiles.​​ But John also had serious visions of Jesus, as we read Revelations. Peter had a vision from the Lord on top of Simon’s house at Joppa, Acts 10.​​ 

Paul was visited so often by Jesus Christ in visions, that Paul tells us that​​ ‘an angel​​ (messenger)​​ of Satan was plaguing and harassing him the whole time. This so Paul should not go boasting of having Jesus revealed to him in visions.​​ 2 Cor. 12:7-10,​​ ​​ ​​ 

“7​​ So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, a thorn was given me in the flesh, a​​ messenger of Satan to harass me, to keep me from becoming conceited.​​ 

8​​ Three times I pleaded with the Lord about this, that it should leave me.​​ 

9​​ But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.​​ 

10​​ For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.»

Paul undoubtedly had this entirely​​ special divine protection​​ over him. He recovered swiftly from the hurting pain​​ and injuries afflicted on him, and he​​ escaped many deadly situations, like for instance shipwrecking, high way robbery, wild beasts, and evil persecutors and angry mobs.​​ (Check out the article​​ here on my site​​ by Donnie​​ S.​​ Barnes in that topic).

Peter and the eleven were having several waves of Holy Spirit power​​ for wonders and healings, as seen for instance in Acts 5:12-16, NASB,


​​ “12​​ At the​​ hands​​ of the​​ apostles​​ many​​ signs​​ and​​ wonders​​ were​​ taking​​ place​​ among​​ the​​ people; and they were​​ all​​ with​​ one​​ accord​​ in​​ Solomon's​​ portico.​​ 

13​​ But​​ none​​ of the​​ rest​​ dared​​ to​​ associate​​ with them;​​ however, the​​ people​​ held​​ them in​​ high​​ esteem.​​ 

14​​ And​​ all​​ the​​ more​​ believers​​ in the​​ Lord,​​ multitudes​​ of​​ men​​ and​​ women, were constantly​​ added​​ to their number,​​ 

15​​ to​​ such​​ an​​ extent​​ that they​​ even​​ carried​​ the​​ sick​​ out into the​​ streets​​ and​​ laid​​ them on​​ cots​​ and​​ pallets,​​ so​​ that when​​ Peter​​ came​​ by at​​ least​​ his​​ shadow​​ might​​ fall​​ on​​ any​​ one​​ of them.​​ 

16​​ Also​​ the​​ people​​ from the​​ cities​​ in the​​ vicinity​​ of​​ Jerusalem​​ were​​ coming​​ together,​​ bringing​​ people who were​​ sick​​ or​​ afflicted​​ with​​ unclean​​ spirits, and they were​​ all​​ being​​ healed.​​ 

Several years had passed since the day of Pentecost in Acts 2 – and yet, we cannot find Peter and the eleven anywhere outside and abroad in mission, - no, they were still in JERUSALEM, namely meeting constantly under the Portico of Solomon in the temple site!​​ Peter and the apostles stayed in Israel, and we find him 16 years after Pentecost in 28 CE, which was 44 CE in Acts 12. He went to Lydda and Joppa, and we learn of him healing Aeneas and he raised Tabitha from the dead,​​ Acts 12:19​​ says he went to Caesarea to spend some time there. He must have spent it among his new converts, the friends of Cornelius (Acts 10) – would be my guess.

Proving to us that they had only one commission: That of preaching to Israel’s land the Kingdom-Gospel of Christ, for which Jesus would be king and ruler. The millennial kingdom promised by the prophets.

But for international mission abroad, in the Empire, Jesus had elected Paul as the messenger and apostle!

From Acts 13 we learn of Paul being sent out for his first ministry​​ to Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel (Acts 9:15).

We cannot find any more detailed reports regarding Peter and the eleven, after Acts​​ 12-13, which was in 44-45 CE according to most scholars. Peter pops up in Acts 15 because of the apostolic conference in Jerusalem, in the year 49 CE. But his ministry is no longer followed by Luke, the author of Acts. Luke went with Paul only.



ACTS 28:25-28

This meeting or confrontation with the Counsel of Jewish Rabbis at Rome, the Sanhedrin, took place in early summer of 60 CE. He arrived there, having survived a dramatic sea voyage including shipwrecking at Malta. It was eleven synagogues in Rome then. And the Emperor was Nero, in his 6th​​ year of rule. Paul had appealed his case to the Court of Justice of which was ruled by Nero.

The result of this meeting with Sanhedrin was a catastrophe for Israel: God considered Israel from this day to be fallen away from Him. And He was no longer having Israel as His nation on earth!

Acts 28:25-28,​​ NASB,

25​​ And when they did not​​ agree​​ with​​ one​​ another, they began​​ leaving​​ after​​ Paul​​ had​​ spoken​​ one​​ parting​​ word, "The​​ Holy​​ Spirit​​ rightly​​ spoke​​ through​​ Isaiah​​ the​​ prophet​​ to your​​ fathers,​​ 



28​​ "Therefore​​ let it be​​ known​​ to you that​​ this​​ salvation​​ of​​ God​​ has been​​ sent​​ to the​​ Gentiles; they will​​ also​​ listen."​​ 

In the passage above we do notice that Paul – much like what Jesus had done facing the Pharisees – and chastising the unbelieving Jews by quoting Isaiah 6, of their persistent spiritual blindness, deafness and lack of understanding.​​ Is. 6:9, 10,​​ NASB,

“9​​ He​​ said,​​ "Go, and​​ tell​​ this​​ people:​​ 'Keep​​ on​​ listening, but do not​​ perceive;​​ Keep​​ on​​ looking, but do not​​ understand.'​​ 

10​​ "Render​​ the​​ hearts​​ of​​ this​​ people​​ insensitive, Their​​ ears​​ dull, And their​​ eyes​​ dim,​​ Otherwise​​ they might​​ see​​ with their​​ eyes,​​ Hear​​ with their​​ ears,​​ Understand​​ with their​​ hearts, And​​ return​​ and be​​ healed."

The passage is not only these two verses, but we find a prophecy of doom and destruction in the following verses 11 and 12, saying,

“11​​ Then I​​ said,​​ "Lord,​​ how​​ long​​ *?" And He​​ answered,​​ "Until​​ *​​ *​​ cities​​ are​​ devastated​​ and​​ without​​ inhabitant,​​ Houses​​ are​​ without​​ people​​ And the​​ land​​ is​​ utterly​​ desolate,​​ 

12​​ "The​​ LORD​​ has​​ removed​​ men​​ far​​ away, And the​​ forsaken​​ places​​ are​​ many​​ in the​​ midst​​ of the​​ land.

Verses 11 and 12 are warning of the destruction of Israel, such as happened in 70 CE when the Roman Army led by Titus broke the walls and destroyed Jerusalem and burnt the temple.


Jesus on Is. 6, as found in Mat. 13:13-17,​​ NASB,​​ 

“13​​ "Therefore​​ *​​ I​​ speak​​ to them in​​ parables;​​ because​​ while​​ seeing​​ they do not​​ see, and while​​ hearing​​ they do not​​ hear,​​ nor​​ do they​​ understand.​​ 

14​​ "In their case the​​ prophecy​​ of​​ Isaiah​​ is being​​ fulfilled, which​​ says,​​ 'YOU WILL​​ KEEP​​ ON​​ HEARING, BUT WILL NOT​​ UNDERSTAND;​​ YOU WILL​​ KEEP​​ ON​​ SEEING, BUT WILL NOT​​ PERCEIVE;​​ 


16​​ "But​​ blessed​​ are your​​ eyes,​​ because​​ they​​ see; and your​​ ears,​​ because​​ they​​ hear.​​ 

17​​ "For​​ truly​​ I​​ say​​ to you that​​ many​​ prophets​​ and​​ righteous​​ men​​ desired​​ to​​ see​​ what​​ you​​ see, and did not​​ see​​ it, and to​​ hear​​ what​​ you​​ hear, and did not​​ hear​​ it.​​ 


When Paul quoted this very same passage of Is. 6, he omitted verses 11 and 12 – the destruction of the land, but instead he said…therefore​​ let it be known to you that this salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles; they will also listen.

Paul’s manner of saying: You will NOT listen, and so you reject Jesus as the Messiah, but not so with the Gentiles, for they will listen and believe on Jesus!

Paul actually prophesied to the members of Sanhedrin, telling that God now STOPS dealing with the Jews, but will from now on deal directly with the Gentiles.​​ It was over with Israel, and they were no longer God’s people. They had fallen.

The council members were well aware of that Is. 6 spoke judgement on Israel, verses 11 and 12…and Paul thus found it not necessary to quote these.​​ He just quoted verses 9 and 10. Like Jesus once had done.

Paul was deliberately sent to these leaders​​ by Jesus. He was told to go to Rome for the same reason he had witnessed to the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem,​​ Acts 23:11​​ tells of Paul being visited by Jesus in person,

“But on the​​ night​​ immediately​​ following, the​​ Lord​​ stood​​ at his side and​​ said,​​ "Take​​ courage; for as you have​​ solemnly​​ witnessed​​ to My​​ cause​​ *​​ at​​ Jerusalem,​​ so​​ you​​ must​​ witness​​ at​​ Rome​​ also."

Acts 23 tells us of what Paul spoke to the Sanhedrin at Jerusalem, as he witnessed of Jesus as the Messiah. Now Jesus had told Paul to go to Rome – not to visit the Messianic believers there – but as the Lord’s special agent: He should be witnessing in same manner to the Sanhedrin in Rome. To the religious​​ LEADERS OF ISRAEL in the diaspora.

This is the correct background and reason why Paul went to Rome. He was to deliver an ultimatum to Israel;​​ either you repent to Jesus, all of you, or you will have to face doom and destruction!

It was the latter which unfortunately fell upon Israel, the horrible days of war in 66-70 CE.

But the described meeting with that Sanhedrin in Rome, was the point-of-no-return for Israel, - and consequently Jesus Christ let Paul be told of the Mystery as we read it in Eph. 3:1-9 as well as in Col. 1:25, 26.​​ 



The revelation of a new dispensation, the stewardship of the grace of God to us Gentiles.​​ 

A secret which had been kept in God since before the creation of the world. The Grace-Gospel came to us by God revealing it to Paul first,​​ Eph. 3:1-3,​​ NASB,

“1​​ For​​ this​​ reason​​ I,​​ Paul, the​​ prisoner​​ of​​ Christ​​ Jesus​​ for the​​ sake​​ of you​​ Gentiles​​ -​​ 

2​​ if​​ indeed​​ you have​​ heard​​ of the​​ stewardship​​ of​​ God's​​ grace​​ which was​​ given​​ to me for you;​​ 

3​​ that by​​ revelation​​ there was​​ made​​ known​​ to me the​​ mystery, as I​​ wrote​​ before​​ in​​ brief.

Paul was given this new revelation, that of the free Grace of God by faith in Jesus, AFTER FIRST ENDING​​ HIS DEALING WITH ISRAEL. He did not keep two kinds​​ of​​ ‘Churches’, one with Israel, and one with us Gentiles. No, He ended His dealings with Israel, for they refused to receive Jesus as a nation. So in our time, since Paul had the revelation of the Mystery in 63-64 CE as he sat in jail, we find that salvation by faith alone inside the two ONLY Church epistles, Ephesians and Colossians. End of discussion.

ONLY in these can we find the two important Bible truths,​​ ONE:​​ That Christ had abolished the Law of Moses, and that He thus had CREATED the ‘One New Man’ – called by Paul for the Body of Christ to which Jesus was the Head.​​ TWO:​​ The revelation of the Mystery. No other epistles in the entire NT have these two Bible truths in​​ them.​​ The two epistles thus became the​​ Doctrine of Faith​​ to the Church, the Post-Acts body.

Most Bible scholars hold to the idea of Paul’s death having occurred in 67 CE, as he was beheaded in jail in Rome under Emperor Nero’s time of rule.​​ I can agree to this theory.​​ IMAGE: Nero’s statue in Anzio, Italy.

It might just be pure coincident, but Nero was born same year as Paul was called by Christ on the Damascus road Acts 9, which was 37 CE. Nero died the 9th​​ of June in 68 CE​​ by suicide​​ at the age of 30.​​ Nero was well ‘acquainted’ with death: He had committed matricide (killed his own mother, Agrippina) in 59 CE, and also he killed his wife! He was much like those sociopaths you find in modern horror movies.​​ 









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The Sufferings of Paul

By Donnie​​ S.​​ Barnes, Ph. D.


(This article is from biblecharts.org)

Barnes expressed there that the article can be used for anyone

to publish, for the cause of the Gospel.

It​​ is​​ very interesting, since it deals with Paul, our Apostle!

I apologize for the unwanted​​ ‘line-stretching’​​ in it, due to converting

the​​ fonts from their website into Times Roman types!​​ 

Jan Lilleby, Editor.


(The article is no. 15 in a series on Paul)


A.​​ This Time Paul was imprisoned as an “Evil-Doer.”.

1. 2 Timothy 3:12 – “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will
suffer persecution.”

2. 1 Peter 4:16 – “Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be
ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter.”

B.​​ Before Becoming a Christian, Paul had Caused Others to Suffer

1. The first mention of Saul in the Bible is the role of a persecutor.​​ Acts
​​ – “Then they cried out with a loud voice, stopped their ears, and

58 and they cast him out of the city and stoned him. And the witnesses
laid down their clothes at the feet of a young man named Saul.”

2.​​ Acts 8:1-4​​ – “Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time a great
persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they

were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the


2 And devout men carried Stephen to his burial, and made great

3 As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house, and
dragging off men and women, committing them to prison.

4 Therefore those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the

Acts 9:1-2​​ – “Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the
of the Lord, went to the high priest

2 and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if
he found any who were of the Way, whether men or women, he might bring
thembound ​​ toJerusalem.”

4.​​ Acts 26:9-11​​ – “Indeed, I myself thought I must do many things contrary to

10 This I also did in Jerusalem, and many of the saints I shut up in
prison, having received authority from the chief priests; and when they
were put to death, I cast my vote against them.

11 And I punished them often in every synagogue and compelled them
to blaspheme; and being exceedingly enraged against them, I persecuted

5.​​ Galatians 1:13​​ – “For you have heard of my former conduct in Judaism,
how I persecuted the church of God beyond measure and tried to destroy


Galatians 1:23​​ – “But they were hearing only, "He who formerly
persecuted us now preaches the faith w
hich he once tried to destroy."

7.​​ Philippians 3:6​​ – “Concerning zeal, persecuting the church . .​​ . “

8.​​ 1 Timothy 1:13​​ – “. . . I was formerly a blasphemer, a persecutor, and an

C.​​ Suffering would be a Part of Paul’s Christian Life.

1. The Lord spoke to Ananias concerning Paul’s suffering
Acts 9:15-16​​ – “But the Lord said to him, ‘Go, for he is a chosen vessel of
Mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel.

16 For I will show him how many things he mu
st suffer for My name's

2. The Lord’s word to Ananias certainly came true.

D.​​ Was Paul Persecuted? Did He Indeed Suffer as a Christian?

1.​​ 2 Corinthians 4:8-12​​ – “ . . . We are​​ perplexed, but not in despair;

9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed --

10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that
the life of Jesus also​​ may be manifested in our body.

11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus' sake, that
the life of Jesus also may be​​ manifested in our mortal flesh.

12 So then death is working in us, but life in you.”

2.​​ Galatians 5:11​​ – “And I, brethren, if I still preach circumcision, why do I still
suffer persecution? Then the of
fense of the cross has ceased.”

3. 2 Timothy 3:10-11​​ – “But you have carefully followed my doctrine, manner
of life, purpose, faith, longsuffering, love,​​ 

11 persecutions, afflictions, which happened to me at Antioch, at
Iconium, at Lystra -- what persecutions I endured. And out of them all the

4.​​ 1 Corinthians 15:30-32​​ – “And why do we stand in jeopardy every hour?

31 I affirm, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord,

32 If, in the manner of men, I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what
advantage is it to me? If the dead do not rise, "Let us eat and drink, for

5.2​​ Corinthians​​ 4:7-18-​​ “But we have this treasure​​ in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.

8 We are hard pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;

9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed –

10 always carrying about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that​​ the life of Jesusalsomaybemanifestedinourbody.

11 For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus' sake, that
the life of Jesus also may be​​ manifested in our mortal flesh.

12 So then death is​​ working in us, but life in you.

13 And since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is
written, ‘I believed and therefore I spoke,’ we also believe and therefore

14 knowing that He who rose​​ up the Lord Jesus will also raise us up
with Jesus, and will present us with you.

15 For all things are for your sakes, that grace, having spread through
the many, may cause thanksgiving to abound to the glory of God.

16 Seeing the Invisible Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our
outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.

17 For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a
far more exceeding and eternal​​ weight of glory,

18 while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things
which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the
thingswhich ​​ arenotseenareeternal.

6.​​ 2 Corinthians 6:3-10​​ – “We give no offense in anything, that our ministry

4 But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in much
patience,intribulations,inneeds,  indistresses,

5 in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in
6 by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy

7 by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of
righteousness on the right hand and on the left,
8 by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers,

9 as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as

10 as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as
havingnothing, and yet possessing all things.”

7.​​ 2 Corinthians 12:5-10​​ – “Of such a one I will boast; yet of myself I will not

6 For though I might desire to boast, I will not be a fool; for I will speak
the truth. But I refrain, lest anyone should think of me above what he​​ sees
me to be or hears from me.

7 And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the
revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to
buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.

8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times that it might
depart ​​ fromme.

9 And He said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is
made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my
infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.
10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in
persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I

11 Signs of an Apostle I have become a fool in boasting; you have
compelled me. For I ought to have been commended by you; for in nothing
was I behind the most eminent apostles, though I am nothing.
12 Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all
perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds.”

8.​​ Galatians 4:13, 15​​ – “You know that because of physical infirmity I
preached t
he gospel to you at the first.”

15 What then was the blessing you enjoyed? For I bear you witness
that, if possible, you would have plucked out your own eyes and given them

9.​​ Galatians 5:1​​ – “Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has
made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.”

10.​​ Galatians 6:7​​ – “From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body
marks ​​ oftheLordJesus.”

11.​​ Romans 9:1-2​​ – “I tell the truth in Christ, I am not lying, my conscience
also bearing
​​ me witness in the Holy Spirit,

2 that I have great sorrow and continual grief in my heart.”

E.​​ Paul’s list of sufferings in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28

1.​​ 2 Corinthians 11:23-28​​ – “. . . in labors more abundant, in stripes above
measure, in prisons mo
re frequently, in deaths often.

24 From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one.

25 Three times I was beaten with rods; once I was stoned; three times I
was shipwrecked; a night and​​ a day I have been in the deep;

26 in journeys often, in perils of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils of
my own countrymen, in perils of the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in
the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in​​ perils among false brethren;

27 in weariness and toil, in sleeplessness often, in hunger and thirst, in
fasting​​ often,​​ incoldandnakedness.

28 besides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep


2. Perhaps we have come to believe that this is a list of ALL the sufferings
Paul endured in his ministry. Not so! Consider the following:

a. 2 Corinthians is the fourth book Paul wrote. It was written from
Macedonia in the autumn of 57 A.D. during his third missionary journey.

b. It is believed that Paul’s conversion occurred in 36 A.D. and his death in
Rome in 68 A.D. That would indicate a ministry of some 32 years.
Since 2 Corinthians was written in 57 A.D. and recorded sufferings Paul
had endured up to the time of the writing, the list would encompass
the first 21 years of Paul’s 32-year ministry, but would not include
the last 11 years of his life and work. Thus, the list would not include:

1. The 4th and final year of the 3rd missionary journey.
2.Paul’s arrest and treatment in Jerusalem.
3.Paul’s two-year imprisonment in Jerusalem.
4.Paul’s perilous journey from Caesarea to Rome that included:
5.Paul’s first Roman imprisonment in Caesarea.
6.Paul’s “house arrest” imprisonment in Rome.
7. The three-to-four year period between the first and second Roman

7. Paul’s second Roman imprisonment which resulted in his execution.

c. Therefore, the list of sufferings in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 would
include Paul’s sufferings during the first two-thirds of his 32-year
ministry, but not include the final one-third.

3. A closer examination of Paul’s 2 Corinthians sufferings,


a.​​ “In labors more abundant.”​​  ​​ ​​​​ 2Corinthians11:23

1. The sufferings of Paul in laboring for the advancement of the cause of
Christ were unparalleled and alone when compared to others.

2. Some did not labor. Nonetheless, they claimed the fruits of Paul’s
2​​ Corinthians10:15-16.

b.​​ “In ​​ stripes​​ above ​​ measure.”​​ 2Corinthians11:23

1. This particular suffering probably refers to scourgings inflicted by the
heathen. Their scourgings would not be limited to forty stripes, save
one,which  ​​​​ theJewsrestricted.

2.​​  Scourgings from the Jews will be mentioned later.


c.​​ “In ​​ prisonsmorefrequently.”​​ 2Corinthians11:23

1. Up to this point in Paul’s life (A.D. 57), Luke has recorded only one
imprisonment of Paul, and that at Philippi.​​ 
Acts 16:23-29

2. It should be observed that Luke does not give a complete accounts of
Paul’s life and work in his writing of Acts. Many details are omitted.

Therefore, much that was said and done is simply not recorded in
Acts nor referred to in any of Paul’s writing.


d. “In deaths often.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:23

1. Paul was frequently confronted with situations that could have

2.​​ 2 Corinthians 4:11​​ – “For we who live are always delivered to death
for Jesus' sake, that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our


e.​​ “From the Jews five times I received forty stripes minus one.”
2​​ Corinthians11:24.

1. Some simple calculations would indicate that Paul was assigned a
total of 200 stripes with 195 actually being inflicted.

2. None of these occasions is mentioned in Acts. However, it is
possible that he had been whipped at Damascus after his conversion.
Perhaps he was also beaten in Jerusalem and Antioch in Pisidia.

3. The chiefs of the synagogues had the power to inflict stripes on their
people. No doubt, they would delight in inflicting such on Paul as he
would frequently preach in their synagogues that which they thought

4.​​ Deuteronomy 25:2-3​​ – “Then it shall be, if the wicked man deserves
to be beaten, that the judge will cause him to lie down and be beaten

in his presence, according to his guilt, with a certain number of blows.

3 Forty blows he may give him and no more, lest he should
exceed this and beat him with many blows above these, and your

a. Josephus, in Antiquity IV, noted that the Jews were careful not to

c. Should forty stripes be exceeded, the executioner could be subject

5. For this type of punishment, the victim was stripped to the waist and
tied in a bent position to a low pillar, and the stripes with a whip of
three thongs were inflicted on the back between the shoulders.

f.​​ “Three times I was beaten with rods.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:25

1. This was a Roman method of scourging. It sometimes resulted in

2. Only one of these three occasions is recorded in Acts, and that in

a. On this recorded occasion in Philippi it was an illegal act in Paul’s

b. With backs bleeding and sore, Paul and Silas were cast into the
dark dungeon and their feet were made secure in the stocks in the
innerprison ​​ (maximumsecurity).

g.​​ “Once​​ Iwasstoned.”2​​ Corinthians11:25

1. Stoning was the usual Jewish mode of punishing blasphemy.

2. This occasion is recorded in Acts 14:19 and occurred at Lystra

3. Paul, then known as Saul, is first mentioned in the Bible is Acts 7:58
on the occasion of Stephen’s being stoned to death. One cannot
help but wonder​​ if perhaps Paul thought of Stephen as he himself was

h.​​ “Three times I was shipwrecked.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:25

1. None of these instances are recorded in Acts. However, Paul

2. Defective navigation, unskilled shipbuilding, and want of the mariner’s

3. However, Paul would suffer at least one more shipwreck, and that on
his way from Caesarea to Rome.​​ 
Acts 27:14-44

i.​​ “A night and a day I have been in the deep.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:25

1. Perhaps Paul was able to support himself on some floating piece of
debris from the ship until he was rescued.

2. It is not hard to imagine that Paul would spend this time in closeness
to God much as he and Silas had done when cast into the inner
prison (maximum security) in Philippi in Acts 16.

J​​ “Injourneysoften.”2​​ Corinthians11:26

1. Traveling in the days of Paul was both difficult and dangerous.

2. Paul’s ministry brought him into contact with the Jews, Gentiles,


3.His travels brought him into a variety of perils.


k.​​ “Inperilsofwaters.”​​ ​​ 2​​ Corinthians11:26

1. Perhaps this would involve rivers and streams. Many of the countries
Paul traveled in abounded in un-bridged streams, rivers, and

2.​​ There was a constant danger of death from drowning or being swept
away by the sudden rush of swollen streams.

l.​​ “In perils of robbers.” ​​​​ 2 Corinthians 11:26



2. It is very likely that with so much traveling, Paul was often attacked

m.​​ “In perils of my own countrymen.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:26

1. This would be the Jews. In most cases the Jews were the first to stir
up opposition to Paul. This was done at:


3. The Jews had deep enmity against Paul as a follower of Christ and
as an apostle. He was in constant danger of being put to death by


n.​​ “In perils of the​​ Gentiles.”​​ ​​ 2 Corinthians 11:26


1. This would refer to non-Jews—the Gentiles. The Gentiles were
generally stirred up against Paul by the Jews.


2. At various times the gentiles were stirred up against Paul because of
their idolatry and superstitions. This was done at:


o.​​ “In perils in​​ the city.”​​ ​​ 2 Corinthians 11:26



p.​​ “In perils in the wilderness.”​​ ​​ 2 Corinthians 11:26


1. In traveling through the wild waste tracts of land between Pergamum,
Antioch in Pisidia, or thence to Lystra and Derbe, or crossing the
mountain of Taurus into the cities of Galatia, etc., there would be

c.Hunger​​ andwant

2. Whether​​ in the busy cities of men or the​​ solitude and loneliness
of the desert, Paul met with constant danger.

q.​​ “In perils in the sea.” ​​​​ 2 Corinthians 11:26​​ 


1. Perils in the sea could come in many forms. Among them would be:
c. Ships being at the mercy of the sea and weather.

2. Since Paul frequently traveled by sea in the course of his journeys,
the risk of these type of perils was greatly increased.

r.​​ “In perils among false brethren.”​​ ​​ 2 Corinthians 11:26


1. Paul saw the treachery of those who professed to be his brothers in
Christ, and yet endeavored to deliver him unto the power of his

2. Betrayal hurts! It hurts worse when the betrayer is a friend. Judas


s.In​​ weariness​​ and toil.”​​ ​​ 2 Corinthians 11:27


1. Wearisome toil and consequent exhaustion from his labors were


t.“Insleeplessness​​ often.” ​​​​ 2 Corinthians 11:27


1. Paul experienced many sleepless periods in his Christian walk.

2. He pursued his work by night as well as by day.

3. On some occasions he sacrificed sleep for teaching and preaching.

4. On some occasions he sacrificed sleep for prayer and meditation.

u.​​ “In hunger and thirst.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:27


1. Through the lack of necessary food, Paul experienced hunger and
thirst on a number of occasions. This may have been brought on by:

b. Not being around where food could be purchased.
c. Lack of money at times to buy the necessary food.
2. No doubt there were many times when Paul was well nourished

v.​​ “In fastings often.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:27


1. Fasting (the abstinence from food) was practiced by Paul when he
preferred the service of Christ and labor for the salvation of men to
the satisfaction of physical want. 2 Corinthians 6:5


2. Although Paul would choose to abstain from food on various
occasions, he always welcomed the opportunity to feed on God’s

w.​​ “In cold and​​ nakedness.”​​ 2 Corinthians 11:27


1. In traveling to and through many half-civilized countries, Paul was
often insufficiently clad. In his labors and travels his clothing became

2.Many times there were no friends to replace them.

3. Many times there was no money with which to buy new clothes.

4. From his prison cell in Roman, Paul penned these words to Timothy”
“Bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas when you come -- and

the books, especially the parchments
.​​ . .Do your utmost to come
before w
inter . . .”​​ 2 Timothy 4:13, 21


x. “Besides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep
concern for all the churches.” 2 Corinthians 11:28
1. In addition to all of these many bodily afflictions, Paul felt the care of
all the churches resting upon him.

2. Paul’s writings indicate his constant concern and prayer for those to
whom he was writing.


3. The anxiety which Paul had for the churches was more real and
intense than that which many ordinary people have for food and

4. The number of sufferings listed in 2 Corinthians 11:23-28 by category is
twenty-four (24). One third of that number (8) are “perils.” So many, so
varied, and so terrible, and yet in the Lord’s service he had come safely
through them all.


a.​​ 2 Corinthians 6:9​​ – “ . . . As dying, and behold we live; as​​ chastened,
and yet not killed.”


b. Paul was truly owned by Christ. He literally bore in his body the marks
of his devotion and faithfulness. Through his sufferings he continued to
serve when it would have been much easier to turn back.

F.​​ Paul’s Sufferings as Recorded in the Book of Acts


1. His life was threatened in Damascus.​​ Acts 9:23


2. His life was threatened again in Jerusalem.​​ Acts 9:29


3. Persecuted and run out of​​ Antioch in Pisidia.​​ Acts 13:50


4. Faced possible stoning at Iconium.​​ Acts 14:5


5. Stoned and left​​ for dead in Lystra.​​ Acts 14:19


6. Opposed and made the center of controversy.​​ Acts 15:11


7. Experienced the loss of his close friend and co-worker, Barnabas.​​ Acts

8. Beaten with rods and imprisoned at Philippi.​​ Acts 16:23


9. Cast out of Philippi.​​ Acts 16:39


10. His life was threatened in Thessalonica.​​ Acts​​ 17:5-7, 10

11. Forced out of Berea.​​ Acts 17:23-14


12. Mocked in Athens.​​ Acts 17:18


13. Taken before the judgment seat in Corinth.​​ Acts 18:12


14. Opposed by the silversmiths in Ephesus.​​ Acts 19:23-41


15. Plotted against by​​ the Jews in Greece.​​ Acts 20:3


16. Apprehended by the​​ mob in Jerusalem.​​ Acts 21:27-30


17. Arrested and detained by the Romans.​​ Acts 22:24


18. Barely escaped being scourged.​​ Acts 22:24-29


19. Rescued from the Sanhedrin mod action. Acts 23:1-8


20. Assassination​​ plot against him.​​ Acts 23:12-22


21. Two-year imprisonment in Caesarea.​​ Acts 23:33-27:2


22. Shipwreck on the island of​​ Melita (Malta).​​ Acts 27:41-28:1


23. Suffered a snakebite.​​ Acts 28:3-5


24. First Roman imprisonment.​​ Acts 28:13-15


G.​​ Yes, Paul did Suffer.


  • Through it all, Paul’s faith continued to excel.​​ 

​​ 2 Corinthians 12:10​​ – “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in
reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in dis
tresses, for Christ's sake. Forwhen I am weak, then I am strong.


  • 2. 2 Corinthians 6:3-20​​ – “We give no offense​​ in anything, that our ministrymaynotbeblamed.

  • 4 But in all things we commend ourselves as ministers of God: in muchpatience, in tribulations, in needs, in distresses,

  • 5 in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in sleeplessness, in

  • 6 by purity, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy

  • 7 by the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armor of
    righteousness on the right hand and on the left,

  • 8 by honor and dishonor, by evil report and good report; as deceivers,

  • 9 as unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and behold we live; as
    chastened, and yet not killed;


  • 10 as sorrowful, yet always rejoicing; as​​ poor, yet making many rich; ashaving nothing, and yet possessing all things.”

3. just as the Lord had delivered Paul through all of his sufferings, he
delivered him home where he could be free​​ from all those things which hadbefallen him for the cause of Christ.


2 Timothy 4:6-8​​ – “For I am already being poured out as a drink
offering, and the t
ime of my departure is at hand.


7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept
the ​​ faith.

8 Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which
the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me
only but also to all​​ who have loved His appearing.”


b.Restwellbrother​​ Paulrestwell.​​ 


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(From website Bibleoutsidethebox.blog)

I have included an article here by Doston Jones,

To which I shall give comments.

This is really important to us believers.


Yes, the Four Gospels Were Originally Anonymous:

​​ Part 1

September 30, 2017by​​ Doston Jones


four gospels

In my previous article​​ ‘When Were the Gospels Written and How Can We Know?’, I remarked that “the [New Testament] Gospels are actually anonymous writings….the titles we are accustomed to seeing were likely added later by scribes.” Gauging from the initial feedback I received, this statement grabbed the attention of a number of readers – and understandably so. That the Gospels were penned by Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John is something that we have sort of dogmatically taken for granted in much the same way we take for granted that William Shakespeare wrote Hamlet or that President Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address. The notion that we know who wrote the four Gospels is simply a given. Or, is it?

Admittedly, I had not planned on giving any attention to this topic. I intended to follow-up my inaugural post with an analysis of the literary inter-relationship between the Gospels (a discussion more interesting to​​ me). But, in view of the interest this subject has garnered among some readers, I have opted instead to delve a little further into the topic of whether the New Testament Gospels were likely composed bearing their traditional titles …and what the answer to this question might tell us about the provenance and application of these texts in the formative early Church. I will do this in two parts. This post is ‘Part One.’ Shortly after completing my two-part discussion, I will round things out with an examination and cross-examination of the primary Patristic sources behind the canonical Gospel traditions – namely, Irenaeus of Lyon, Papias of Hierapolis, Tertullian of Carthage, and Eusebius of Ceasarea.


That the Gospels were not originally composed bearing their traditional titles is now a well-established matter in New Testament scholarship. This mainstream view is conceded even among various conservative scholars such as Craig L. Blomberg, who stated: “It’s important to acknowledge that strictly speaking, the gospels are anonymous.”[1]

The age-old tradition that the canonical Gospels were authored by Mark the companion of Peter, Luke the physician to Paul, Matthew the tax collector, and John the Disciple comes down to us from the second century CE Patristic era of the Catholic Church.[2]  Yet, even the Catholic Church now recognizes that those traditional titles are​​ pseudonymous.  According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, “the first four historical books of the New Testament are supplied with titles (Euangelion kata Matthaion, Euangelion kata Markon, etc.), which, however ancient, do not go back to the respective authors of those sacred writings. […] It thus appears that the present titles of the Gospels are not traceable to the evangelists themselves.”

While it is prudent to underscore the prevailing view held by the majority of qualified experts in the field of Biblical studies, merely citing the prevailing view is not itself a substitute for a valid argument – lest we succumb to the fallacy of​​ argumentum ad populum. So, the question that we should be asking then is ‘what is the basis for this widely held view?’ In this two-part series I will endeavor to provide a survey of the reasons, evidence, and analysis that combine to support the mainstream scholarly consensus that the Gospels were most likely anonymous compositions.[3]​​ Regardless of where you stand on this subject, I hope ultimately that this article will be informative and will serve to stimulate some critical thinking about some matters that are fundamental to New Testament studies.

Internal Anonymity of the Gospels


To start, there is the observation that not a single Gospel writer names himself within the text as composer of any New Testament gospel. This means that the Gospels are internally anonymous.  The closest thing we have to a Gospel that identifies its purported author/source is the Fourth Gospel – the Gospel according to John. But even this Gospel is careful to not explicitly name its author,​​ preferring instead to cloak the source’s identity in veiled terms, referring to him only as “the disciple whom Jesus loved” (John 21:20,24). The reader is then left to speculate on whom this “Beloved Disciple” may be. Tradition stemming from Irenaeus of Lyon in the late second century asserts that the “Beloved Disciple” is none other than John.[4]  Whether or not the Beloved Disciple is properly identified as John is an interesting topic for separate discussion. But suffice it to say that not one Gospel names its author within the gospel texts, including the putative Gospel of John.

It is also worth noting that the authorial anonymity of the Gospels stands out against the vast majority of other writings comprising the New Testament in which the writers do purport to identify themselves – namely, the epistles. Author self-identification within the body of the text was the conventional norm for ancient epistles.[5]  Apart from the epistles, the New Testament Gospels are likewise divergent from numerous other Greco-Roman and Jewish works from antiquity in which the authors identified themselves within the body of the text. Ancient historians and biographers such as Herodotus, Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Suetonius, Thucydides, and Jewish writer Flavius Josephus all named themselves as authors of their respective texts.[6]

From this contextual framework we can reckon that if the Gospel writers wanted their identities known and unambiguously associated with their individual gospel accounts, they could have simply followed conventional literary norms and provided that information within the body of the text – found most typically in the prologue or salutation of ancient writings. As Armin Baum explains, the Gospel writers probably viewed themselves as writing in a class of literature that did not require self-identification.[7]

Early External Sources Treat the Gospels Anonymously


Another indication that the Gospels were written anonymously is that the earliest external attestations to the Gospels refer to them​​ without​​ the traditional names attached. The Didache (an early Christian treatise), Justin Martyr (c. 155 CE), and possibly even Polycarp (c. 120 – 140 CE) and Ignatius (c. 115 CE) account for our earliest sources exhibiting awareness of writings that appear to​​ correspond with the New Testament Gospels. However, each of the above-named sources treat the gospels anonymously.

Justin Martyr and the Memoirs

Justin is the first source to make repeated and unmistakable references to the content found in the Gospels. But not once does he name any of the four evangelists for authorship or source attribution when he quotes or cites to this material. Never. He instead refers to these writings as a single volume that he generically dubs the “memoirs of the apostles” – treating the ‘apostles’ as a unitary source (as opposed to Justin’s written source being readily distinguished into individually named/titled accounts).[8]  In all of Justin’s voluminous writings he never delineates or otherwise distinguishes the memoirs by name. But as we shall see, Justin typically treats his​​ other​​ sources quite differently.

In Justin’s treatise, ‘First Apology’, he explains that the “memoirs of the apostles” were read communally on “the day called that of the sun” (Sunday) alongside the “writings of the prophets.”[9]​​  So, by 155 CE these “memoirs” were being treated as liturgical or even scriptural instruction in the early Church. And while Justin always referred to the “memoirs” anonymously, it is telling that Justin​​ did​​ reference his​​ other sources by name when discussing or citing to them.  For example, Justin names Zechariah, Malachi, and the Psalms from Old Testament texts. Justin’s writings also specifically named non-Biblical sources such as Esdras and Jeremias from the pseudo ‘Letter of Jeremias’. With regard to early Christian texts, Justin Martyr even mentions the ‘Acts of Pilate’ and treats it as a bona fide authoritative Christian text – notwithstanding that the Acts of Pilate is now known to be a spurious text and void of historical veracity. Finally, Justin directly references other ancient sources such as Plato and Pythagoras.

Still, whenever Justin quoted or otherwise referred to the content taken from his “memoirs of the apostles,” he makes not a single mention of the names Matthew, Mark, Luke, or John as sources. This is peculiar, and it is evidence that those specific names were not yet attached to Justin’s writings.

An important final remark on Justin Martyr: As I explained in my first article and as reiterated here, the common understanding among​​ scholars and theologians is that Justin’s “memoirs” were probably a compilation of the four Gospels. Yet, experts in the Patristics have noted that the “memoirs” feature some curious peculiarities. For instance, there are occasions where Justin repeats stories from the “memoirs of the apostles” to which the narrative content does not match any of the New Testament gospels. One of the more notable examples is when Justin cites the ‘memoirs’ as saying that the River Jordan caught fire when Jesus was baptized.


“And then, when Jesus had gone to the river Jordan, where John was baptizing, and when He had stepped into the water, a real fire ignited in the Jordan.” (Dialogue. Chapter LXXXVIII)

Such a claim is not attested in ANY New Testament gospel. Nonetheless, Justin cites directly to the writings of the apostolic “memoirs” for this story. So, what do we have here?  One possible explanation is that Justin did not actually possess our New Testament gospel texts (meaning: the “memoirs” were not bona fide proxies for the Gospels). Rather, he had some other liturgical writings resembling the gospel literature – yet​​ different​​ from the Gospels. Another related possibility is that the writings Justin possessed were primitive to our canonical gospels and were comprised of the same source material utilized in creating what became the orthodox version of the four Gospels. But, if we hold firm to the notion that Justin’s “memoirs” were genuine Gospel texts, then Justin’s remark about the River Jordan kindling ablaze at Jesus’ baptism creates a discordant scenario and suggests that there​​ must​​ have been multiple renderings of the four Gospels in circulation in the mid second century.

To this point, Dr. David Trobisch argues that the Gospels underwent intermittent redaction/revision until finalized into orthodox versions by members of the Patristic​​ proto-orthodoxy​​ around c. 150-170 CE, which is most likely when their titles were added as a way to impute specific apostolic pedigree to these writings (more on this shortly).[10]​​ We are fortunate to have Justin’s treatises because he was writing during or just before the traditional title attributions were added to the Gospels. So Justin’s writings give us a glimpse into this transitional period.

The Didache

The Didache (pronounced​​ did·eh·kay) is another example of an early Christian source from this period that treats the gospels anonymously. This treatise shares phrases and content found particularly in the Gospel of Matthew. In fact, chapter 8 of the Didache quotes the Lord’s Prayer as written in Matthew 6:9-13, and indeed attributes the quote to a written source, but​​ not​​ to ‘Matthew.’ Instead, the Didache refers to its written source as “his [the Lord’s] Gospel” – without providing attribution to the disciple ‘Matthew’ (see full quote footnoted here​​ [11]).  Elsewhere, the Didache refers to its written source as “the Gospel of the Lord” and as the “ordinances of the Gospel.”[12]  Again, anonymous attributions. Again, no mention whatsoever of the four traditional authors. This supports the view that when the Gospels were first circulated they were not originally credited to specific evangelists as authorial sources. Rather, they were written for early Church communities without concern for the authors who composed them. The original emphasis in labeling the Gospels was on the​​ subject, Jesus, not on the author.[13]

Relevant Observations on Luke and Mark


Prior to Irenaeus in 180 CE providing the very first attestation to a Gospel attributed to ‘Luke’, a fellow named Marcion of Sinope (c. 140 CE) possessed a slightly shorter and simpler form of this same Gospel, which was not identified with Luke or any specific author. Rather, this gospel text was circulated with the title “Euaggelion Kuriou” (‘The Gospel of the Lord’).[14]​​ To reiterate, this Gospel was in circulation approximately 40 years before any source ascribed the name “Luke” as its author. Coincidentally, we just observed that a nearly identical title convention was used in the Didache in reference to its Gospel source. Although Marcion’s “Gospel of the Lord” was a different text from the source that was quoted in the Didache, the fact that​​ both​​ Marcion and the Didache referred to their respective sources as “the Gospel of the Lord” demonstrates that this was the typical naming convention for Gospel texts before specific apostolic names were attached.

Now with regard to Mark’s Gospel, several Bible scholars have similarly concluded that the title ‘Gospel According to Mark’ was subsequently appended to this text mid to late second century CE. As further noted by Christian professor Raymond Brown, it is thought​​ that the original title for this Gospel was actually the opening words of​​ Mark 1:1​​ – “The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ” (ρχ​​ το​​ εαγγελου​​ ησο​​ Χριστο).[15]

Important Note: In most contemporary Bible translations the opening verse of Mark 1:1 reads “The Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.” However, the more forthright translations will include a​​ footnote to the verse explaining that the earliest and best manuscripts/witnesses of verse 1:1 do not contain the phrase “the Son of God” (in the Greek:​​ υο​​ θεο). This phrase appears only as a variant reading in later manuscripts, which was probably the result of scribal insertion or interpolation.

As mentioned, the phrase “the Son of God” in Mark 1:1 is lacking in several key ancient witnesses. Both the manuscript of Codex Sinaiticus (4th century CE) and Codex Koridethi (9th century CE) are lacking the phrase, as do numerous other Greek New Testament manuscripts. Patristic father Origen does not include​​ υο​​ θεο​​ when he quotes from Mark 1:1 in the middle of the third century CE, and Irenaeus also fails to mention it in the second century CE. Several other church fathers do not attest to this phrase when quoting Mark 1:1, such as Cyril of Jerusalem, Asterius and Serapion during the fourth and second centuries CE. According to the United Bible Society’s (UBS) The Greek New Testament in the fourth edition, a Coptic manuscript from the third century CE also lacks the phrase. Simply put, the phrase “Son of God” was not original to Mark 1:1, but was added in later manuscripts and copied thereafter.[16]​​ This was not an unusual phenomenon with New Testament literature (see, B. Ehrman’s​​ ‘Orthodox Corruption of Scripture’​​ for in-depth treatment of this subject).

The manuscript evidence of alteration to the opening line of Mark’s gospel serves to corroborate the view that the original text simply bore the title “the Beginning of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” And more generally, the variant reading of Mark 1:1 is a reminder that the textual content of New Testament writings was occasionally subject to alteration, interpolation and other redaction, sometimes in important ways.

Pursuant to these observations, the earliest indications are that the Gospels were at their inception affixed with an appellation in the vein of “the Gospel of Jesus” or “the Gospel of the Lord” or some close​​ variation thereof. Specific authorial traditions came some time later in order to impute apostolic authority to these Gospels, which was a consequence of numerous gospel texts being circulated in Christendom by competing Christian sects and communities. Authoritative pedigree then became paramount, and apostolic attribution and tradition became the main criteria for a gospel text being deemed “authoritative” scripture (i.e., written by an apostle or a close follower of an apostle).

A Striking Pattern Emerges With the Gospels


When we step back to take a panoramic view of Gospel literature, we can see a distinct trajectory develop with the four Gospels. From the middle to the end of the first century CE there was scant, if any, external attestation to the Gospels by Christian writers. Then, in the early to mid-second century CE, the earliest Christian sources who quote or allude to the Gospels do so without any reference whatsoever to their traditional titles, evincing that these texts were at first circulated anonymously. Papias of Hierapolis in the mid second century is the first to make authorial claims ascribing texts to Matthew and Mark (although his description of these texts do not correspond to our Matthean and Markan gospels, as noted in my prior​​ article). Then finally, in the​​ late​​ second century Irenaeus is the first Patristic source to mention all four names Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in ascribing authorship to each of the New Testament Gospels.

Immediately​​ after​​ Irenaeus, an interesting phenomenon emerges. Once those names are unambiguously attached to the Gospels in the late second century, from that point forward those traditional names are suddenly cited with marked regularity when referenced or quoted by Christian sources. Church fathers in the late second century CE and into the third century such as Tertullian, Origen, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, and Gaius follow after Irenaeus and constantly refer to these Gospel texts and to the evangelists​​ by name. This invites the question ‘why didn’t their predecessors display the same awareness of these titles and authors?’ An obvious answer is that prior to the middle and late second century, these texts did not have name attributions firmly attached to them. However, once these titles were attached, they were embraced and regularly used.

Now, in response to these facts, proponents of the traditional Gospel titles have suggested that “the further back we go, the less likely we should expect to see named citations of the gospels, even if the Patristic fathers knew who wrote them.”  However, that assumption is quite contrary to what we actually find in the literature from that period. Consider this excerpt from Matthew Ferguson’s article ‘Eyewitness Recollections in Greco-Roman Biography versus the Anonymity of the Gospels‘:

“[B]iographers from the early Roman Empire tend to cite sources at a much higher frequency than what is seen in the NT Gospels. The biographer Suetonius, for example, cites [] literary and documentary sources in his Lives of Julius Caesar and Augustus… What is interesting about [Greco-Roman] biographies dealing with subjects dating close to the author’s own lifetime, however, is that they tend to include​​ more citations​​ of the author’s own eyewitness experiences, as well as discussion of his sources. Sometimes it is claimed that the authors of the Gospels do not explicitly discuss their own eyewitness experiences, nor cite their oral and written sources, because the Gospels were written close enough to Jesus’ lifetime for such sources to be implicit for their audiences. This assumption is undermined, however, by surveying the Greco-Roman biographical literature from the same period. In fact, virtually every biographer from the early Roman Empire whose works are still extant–Cornelius​​ Nepos, Tacitus, Plutarch, Suetonius, and Lucian–explicitly cites his own eyewitness experiences in biographies that deal with subjects dating to his own lifetime.” (Matthew W. Ferguson)

Indeed, this is quite the opposite of what we find with Gospel literature and the earliest attestations to the Gospels.  The Gospel writers never cite to their oral and/or written sources. Nor do they even claim to be eyewitnesses themselves. There is no first person discussion. The Gospels are composed completely in the third-person omniscient voice, a hallmark of Greco-Roman literary​​ novels​​ – but not biographical or historical literature. Those details have to be factored into how we understand and examine these texts within their immediate socio-cultural environment and how these texts would have been received by their initial reading audiences.

“The Gospel According To…”


The traditional titles that are affixed to our manuscripts of the Gospels contain the phrase​​ ευαγγελιον​​ κατα​​ (‘The Gospel according to… [insert name]).  Thus, we have the Gospel according to Luke, the Gospel according to Mark, and so on. This is quite the atypical title convention for that time. In fact, it is unheard of in all of antiquity, as no other authors in the entire history of the Greco-Roman or Jewish world self-titled their books “according to” in the manner found on Gospel manuscripts. This observation alone is compelling reason to suspect that perhaps those titles were not originally affixed to the Gospels by their authors.

Furthermore, the Greek preposition​​ κατα​​ (“according to”) is not​​ per se​​ understood as a claim to a specific individual’s authorship, as the phrase “according to” in this context is best taken to mean “handed down from” a tradition or community associated with the attached name.  For example, there is the Gospel according to the Nazarenes, the Gospel according to the Ebionites, the Gospel according to the Egyptians, the Gospel according to the Hebrews, and many others. So, from these examples we can see that the phrase “according to” is not referenced to named individuals, but is a designation for sectarian groups.[17]

Finally, the Fourth Gospel (aka, Gospel of John) provides us with a glaring clue that this text was originally penned anonymously – namely, that the narrative goes out of its way to avoid explicitly identifying the author by name. Whoever wrote this Gospel employed a rhetorical technique to shroud the source’s identity behind the moniker “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” The purpose of this literary device was to prompt the reader to utilize textual and narrative signals​​ within the story​​ to discern the identity of this person. But why even bother with this coy rhetorical technique if “John” simply slapped his name onto the title of the Gospel? This would completely defeat his literary purpose.

So, What’s In a Name?


As I noted above, specific authorial traditions for the Gospels came some time later to impute apostolic authority to these Gospels, which was a consequence of various gospel texts being circulated by competing Christian sects and communities. Theological disputes​​ emerged between these communities, which had grown especially contentious throughout the second century CE.  To be sure, there were many more Gospels in circulation than the four that became canonized in the New Testament (see footnote for a brief list of other gospels[18]).

Early on it was the norm for distinct Christian sects to use only one primary Gospel that correlated with their specific doctrines and teachings, as opposed to compiling numerous different gospel texts in a compendium set. As sects grew and postured for ‘preferred status’ in early Christendom, eventually it became necessary to distinguish these gospels from one another, and in so doing impute authority to these writings by establishing traditions that connected these texts to apostolic figures and other figures of high reputation in the early Church.

Irenaeus, in my view, unwittingly gives us some insight into where our four Gospels may have actually originated. Irenaeus claimed that each of the four gospels were taken by one of the ‘heretical sects’: Matthew’s gospel was used by the Jewish Ebionites, Luke was favored by the docetic Marcionites, Mark was used by the Adoptionists, and John by the gnostic Cerinthians/Valentinians. This seems to be a kind of tacit admission of where these gospels actually came from. Evidence shows that at the earliest stages of the Church single gospels were preferred by distinct Christian communities. Furthermore, our early Christian literature indicates that Adoptionists and Ebionites were around late first century, Cerinthus and his sect was active around 100 CE, and Marcionism was active in late 130s and 140s.[19]​​ And, of course, all the different sects were accusing each other of deviating from proper teachings and theology.

So, when Irenaeus shows up in 180 CE and says that each of the four Gospels belonged solely to his church community (i.e., the proto-Catholic church), and that each “heretical group” stole exactly one of each gospel from his sect, then I cannot help but to wonder if it is just as likely (if not more likely) that the proto-Catholic group to which Irenaeus belonged instead compiled and co-opted one gospel from each of the aforementioned ‘heretical groups.’

Consider this… how fluky is it that the Jewish-centric ‘Gospel of Matthew’ happened to align so well with the Torah-observant Jewish Ebionites, and that the christology of ‘Mark’ just happens to​​ correspond with Adoptionism doctrines, and that Marcionites used a​​ docetic-friendly version of Luke? And finally, how fortuitously coincidental that the Gnostic sects led by Cerinthus (and Valentinus) of Alexandria, Egypt used the Gospel of John – a gospel that contains Gnostic allusions and drips with Stoic rhetoric hearkening to Philo of Alexandria (a precursor to Gnosticism). Thus, it would appear that individual Gospels were written for and​​ circulated among specific Christian audiences/communities – as opposed to having been written to a generic audience and widely circulated across early Christendom for general use. The trajectory of the evidence seems to point to the notion that in the mid to late second century, the proto-Catholic group came upon the idea of compiling, co-opting, and revising/adapting the gospels of these aforementioned doctrinal sects – which then results in the proto-Catholic church prevailing over its opponents and developing a more comprehensive ecclesiastical presence (indeed ‘Catholic’ means “universal”).

Bible scholars have taken similar note and remarked along the same lines. For example, with regard to the background and naming of John’s gospel, consider the following excerpt from pastor and New Testament scholar Ben Witherington:

“There was an increasing urgency about this conclusion for the mainstream church after the middle of the second century because the Fourth Gospel seems to have been a favorite amongst the Gnostics, and therefore, apostolic authorship was deemed essential if this Gospel was to be rescued from the heterodox. Irenaeus, the great heresiarch, in particular around A.D. 180 thus stressed that this Gospel was written in Ephesus by one of the Twelve— John the Apostle.”[20]

My thought is that when gospel literature first emerged as a genre within early Christian communities they were deemed “community property” and didn’t need any specific authorship attribution until the Gnostics and other heterodox groups began to expand and circulate their own literature, including their own gospels. At that point, some kind of disambiguating line had to be drawn, if for no other reason than to differentiate texts, but also to co-opt texts and to impute authority to preferred writings by establishing the tradition that certain texts were written by apostles and their close companions.

All told, what is undeniably certain from this data is that Gospel literature was quite ‘fluid’ during this period of the early Church. And on this note, we are still only scratching the surface…

POSTSCRIPT on Gnosticism and Adoptionism


In my discussion concerning the provenance of the four Gospels I made reference to them in relation to various theological sects/doctrines in early Christianity that relied on these texts. I mentioned in particular the doctrines of Gnosticism and Adoptionism.[21]  As an addendum to the discussion, I have provided below some pertinent background on these religious views in the context of their nexus to Gospel literature.

Gnosticism​​ (“having knowledge”) was an esoteric religious and philosophical movement connected with early Christianity in the first and second century CE. Gnostics believed that salvation was attainable through “gnosis” or special knowledge of and experience with the Divine.  This knowledge was obtained through intellectual learning and also through inner truths that were conveyed through spiritual and mysterious allegorical teachings. The Gnostic movement has origins in non-rabbinical Jewish sects. And its adherents viewed the Gospel story of Jesus itself to be primarily allegorical, used as an introduction to “gnosis,” rather than the Gospel stories being literally true in a historical context.

The Gnostic movement flourished in Alexandria, Egypt (among other places) and was greatly influenced by Platonic philosophy and also influenced by theological themes from the writings of Philo of Alexandria (25 BCE – 45 CE). Philo was a Hellenized Jewish philosopher from Alexandria who blended Judaic theology with Platonic/Stoic philosophy.

So, how did Philo’s ideas factor into the early Christian context and influence Gnosticism in particular? Roughly a​​ decade prior​​ to the ministry of Jesus, Philo wrote an allegorical compilation now referred to collectively as the “Early Works of Philo” (circa 20-25 C.E.). In these works Philo explained that Plato was correct about there being a gap between imperfect matter and perfect Form, and therefore a celestial/heavenly intermediary divine being was necessary to bridge​​ the enormous gap between God and us in the material world. According to Philo, this being was called the “Logos” (literally, ‘the Word’).​​ Philo explains in his writings that…

  • God created and governed the world through a mediator- his Logos (“the Word”); 2. The Logos is the firstborn Son of God; 3. The Logos is the very image of God; 4. The Logos is God’s spiritual agent of creation from which all things spiritual and physical emanate; 5. The Logos is “of light from light”, whereas divine light displaced darkness; 6. The Logos is God’s celestial high priest; 7. Melchizedek as high priest represents the Logos; and 8.​​ The Logos is “the true Adam.”

Philo’s notions of the ‘Logos’ played an important role in influencing strands of Gnostic thought. Gnostic leaders such as Cerinthus (active 90 – 100 CE) and his successor Valentinus were educated in the Judaeo-Philo school of Alexandria. But you might also notice that Philo’s rhetorical imagery, vocabulary, and themes sound a bit familiar, as they are featured in New Testament writings as well. There is no mistaking that Philo’s rhetorical influence can be found in passages such as Colossians 1:15-20, Hebrews 5:8-10, Hebrews 4:14, and elsewhere in the New Testament.

However, as it relates specifically to our discussion of the Gospels, we can notice striking parallels between Philo’s themes and the content found in the prologue of John’s gospel.  John 1:1-5 reads:

“In the beginning was the Word (literally, “the Logos”) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.  In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:1-5)

The imagery and vocabulary parallels between John’s prologue and Philo’s writings are too numerous and distinct to be mere coincidence. Whoever composed this Gospel knew and studied Philo’s works and was influenced by them.

So, what’s more likely here?  That this book was written by the disciple John, an Aramaic-speaking, illiterate and uneducated fisherman from rural Galilee? (see​​ Acts 4:13 and note that the actual​​ words in the Greek are​​ ‘agrammatoi’ and ‘idiōtai’, literally meaning unlettered/uneducated and ignorant)  Or, is it more likely that this Gospel (written in high-level literary Greek prose), which features rhetoric and imagery analogous to Philo of Alexandria, and which was heavily circulated in and around Hellenized Alexandria, and which was favored among Gnostic sectarians whom were educated in Alexandria in the tradition of Philo… is it more likely that this gospel text was written by or among them?  I’ll leave that to you, the reader, to answer for yourself.

Adoptionism​​ refers to the theological view held by some early Christians that Jesus was born a regular human and then​​ became​​ the Son of God (i.e., adopted) upon his baptism when the Holy Spirit descended onto Jesus like a dove, imbuing him with divine presence and power, at which time God pronounces from the heavens “you are my beloved Son” – Mark 1:11 (in contrast to the belief that Jesus was born to a virgin​​ as​​ the incarnate Son of God). Indeed, there are early manuscripts among the Synoptic gospels that depict God’s pronouncement as saying: “you are my Son,​​ today I have begotten you” (instead of “in you I am well pleased”). The statement that​​ today​​ Jesus became God’s Son is consistent with notions of Adoptionistic theology.  We see this same phrase repeated even in​​ Hebrews 5:5.

Some scholars suspect that “today I have begotten you” was the original reading of those baptismal passages in the Synoptic gospels (Mark, Matt, Luke). Bart Ehrman notes that this phrase is quoted by Justin Martyr, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and other Church fathers from the second and third centuries CE, suggesting that this was likely the predominant/original reading of this passage. Justin says the following when discussing Jesus’ baptism:

“but then the Holy Ghost, and for man’s sake, as I formerly stated, lighted on Him in the form of a dove, and there came at the same instant from the heavens a voice, which was uttered… ‘You are My Son: this day have I begotten You.” (Dialogue. 88)

So, even though all the earliest attestations to this baptismal narrative quote God as pronouncing “you are my Son, this day I have begotten You”, it seems that our later Greek manuscripts of the Gospels have modified this passage to read “you are my beloved Son, in you I am well pleased.” And the latter is what we find in our New​​ Testament.  Could it be that these apparent changes were made in order to disassociate the Gospels from Adoptionistic implications?

As I noted in my previous article, Mark’s Gospel is the earliest of the New Testament Gospels, and both Matthew and Luke utilized Mark as a narrative template. Yet, Mark’s Gospel was presumably favored by Adoptionists because Mark​​ begins​​ his story with Jesus as an adult being baptized and then imbued by the Holy Spirit, which was the catalyst to Jesus being pronounced as the “Son of God” (followed by the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness to show his obedience to God and to his messianic mission while empowered by the Holy Spirit). Moreover, it is notable that Mark’s narrative does not attest to a virgin birth or claim that Jesus was born as the Son of God. The virgin birth is attested only in Matthew and in Luke (which some New Testament textual experts think is a redacted/revised version of Luke).

Mark’s gospel starts with the opening line “The​​ Beginning​​ of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” This manner of introducing the narrative could be interpreted to mean that all facts germane to the Gospel concerning Jesus indeed​​ began​​ where Mark starts his story – thereby precluding the relevance of anything prior to where Mark begins his story.

Several theologians have observed that an Adoptionist theology might also explain why Mary and Jesus’s siblings were trying to seize Jesus because they thought he’d gone mad when he started his ministry in Galilee (Mark 3:30-31). The observation noted by some theologians is that if Mark’s portrayal of Jesus assumes that he was just a regular man prior to his ministry without any supernatural origins, or miraculous birth, or virgin conception by Mary, then it makes perfect sense that Mary and Jesus’ siblings would think he had suddenly lost his mind at 30-years of age when he began his messianic ministry. Now, compare this to John’s gospel which was written some three decades after Mark’s gospel, where it is clear that John’s narrative presupposes Jesus’ divinity and presupposes that Mary is fully cognizant of Jesus’ messianic calling. Whereas in Mark’s gospel Mary and her family tried to corral Jesus because of his miracles and preaching, in John’s gospel Mary does no such thing. In John’s gospel, Mary clearly knows who Jesus is and what he is all about; and in fact she is the one who actually incites Jesus to commence his miracle-working ministry at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-5).

Stay tuned for part two of this installment in which I will discuss the literacy (or lack thereof) among Aramaic-speaking Jewish commoners and tradesmen in first century Palestine, apostolic martyrdom traditions that conflict with Gospel authorship traditions, and competing authorship claims of New Testament texts as reported in early Christian sources, and more.

~ Doston Jones

Follow me on Twitter: Doston Jones (@DostonJones)

[1]​​ The Case for Christ​​ (Strobel, Lee) p. 23

[2]​​ Irenaeus of Lyon c. 180, see​​ Against Heresies, Book III

[3]​​ Though I will be arguing on behalf of the general scholarly consensus that the Gospels were anonymous compositions, for the sake of ease, I will continue to refer to the gospels as Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

[4]​​ The belief that “the Beloved Disciple” (aka John) composed our 4th Gospel is tied to John 21:24, the second to last verse in the entire narrative. The verse reads: “This is the disciple who testifies to these things and wrote these things, and we know that his testimony is true.”

But rather than showing that John the disciple wrote this Gospel, a careful reading of John 21:24 actually conveys something a bit different.  Pay close attention to what it says, taking note of the pronouns. The disciple whom Jesus loved is said to have “testified to and written about these things,” and “we” know “his” testimony is true.  In using the first-person plural (“we”) juxtaposed against the third-person singular (“his”), the author of the verse plainly distinguishes himself from the person who is said to have been the initial source testifying to the things Jesus had said and done.  In other words, the author(s) of this Gospel is not the Beloved Disciple, nor is he claiming to be. The Gospel’s authors (plural) claim to have used a written source purportedly composed by an anonymous eyewitness under the moniker “the Beloved Disciple.” Numerous scholars hold the view that the authors of canonical John were likely​​ part of an early Christian group now referred to as the ‘Johannine Community’ with ties to Alexandria, Egypt. In fact, the earliest extant Gospel fragment​​ Papyrus 52​​ is from the Gospel of John and was found in Egypt – and its textual form agrees with the Alexandrian base.

[5]​​ See, e.g.,​​ Galatians 1:1,​​ Romans 1:1,​​ 1 Corinthians 1:1,​​ James 1:1,​​ Jude 1:1

[6]​​ For an excellent and more thorough treatment of this topic see article by Matthew W. Ferguson titled​​ Ancient Historical Writing Compared to the Gospels of the New Testament.  See also,​​ Review of Craig Keener, “Otho: A Targeted Comparison,” with Emphasis on the Citation of Eyewitness Sources and Textual Independence of Historical Biographers​​ (M. Ferguson).

[7]​​ See, ‘The Anonymity of the New Testament History Books’, p.142

[8]​​ But which apostles? Some of them… all of them? There were at least twelve, and keep in mind that neither Luke nor Mark were apostles.

[9]​​ First Apology, chapter LXVII

[10]​​ See generally,​​ The First Edition of the New Testament​​ (Trobisch);​​ Who Published the New Testament​​ (Trobisch)

[11]​​ “And do not pray as the hypocrites, but as the Lord commanded in his Gospel, pray thus: ‘Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, as in Heaven so also upon earth; give us today our daily bread, and forgive us our debt as we forgive our debtors, and lead us not into trial, but deliver us from the Evil One, for thine is the power and the glory forever.’ Pray thus three times a day.” (Didache 8:2-3)

[12]Didache 11:3 and 15:4

[13]​​ Baum, p.142

[14]​​ Tertullian,​​ Adversus Marcionem; and Epiphanius,​​ Panarion

[15]​​ Brown,​​ Introduction to the New Testament, p. 128

[16]​​ In addition, the long string of genitives in Mark 1:1 is grammatically awkward in the Greek and not found elsewhere in Mark’s literary prose. This, among other reasons, combine to evince that this verse has been altered.

[17]​​ Another reason that the phrase “according to” was not likely original to the Gospels is that the titles found on Greek gospel manuscripts do not always appear at the same place on the text, but appear at either the beginning, end, and other places on the manuscript. As well, the titles often use different grammatical forms such as “the Gospel according to Matthew,” or “according to Matthew’s Gospel,” or simply “according to Matthew.”  These variations suggest that they probably do not go back to a uniform title attribution or back to an original manuscript that was copied consistently, but were added by later scribes. (credit: B. Ehrman, M. Ferguson)

[18]​​ Other gospels and ‘Acts’ writings likely circulating contemporaneous to the New Testament Gospels include the Gospel of Peter (attested in the Clement Epistles), the Egerton Gospel, the Acts of Pilate (attested by Justin Martyr), and the Gospel of Thomas (manuscript P. Oxy 1 from the Gospel of Thomas is the third oldest fragment of ANY gospel). Also circulating during second century was the Gospel of the Hebrews, the Gospel of the Ebionites, the Gospel of James, the Preaching of Peter, the Revelation of Peter, the Revelation of James, the Gospel of Judas, and many others.

[19]​​ Credit: Jefferey Querner

[20] ​​​​ B.​​ Witherington,WhoWastheBeloved Disciple?​​  (benwitherington.blogspot)

[21]​​ I also mentioned Docetism, but I will cover that in Part-Two.

END OF ARTICLE FROM Bibleoutsidethebox.blog.





 ​​​​ I​​ have mentioned this matter several times in some of my articles here on my web site.​​ But not to such a length as this article above.

With​​ Doston Jones’​​ substantial historical quotations on the four Gospels, I can only go on as I already have,​​ holding forth this important Biblical-Historical truth…as real true. It is not just a theoretical ‘truth’ – for it has been proven already.

If you read my articles, especially those in which I tell of Paul as our only God sent teacher (his two epistles Ephesians and Colossians), you will notice a truth which​​ Christendom has ignored for centuries: Paul had published his Grace-Gospel about​​ two decades before​​ any of the four Gospels were published and thus out on the market. Matthew came in 80-85 CE, Mark in 83​​ CE, Luke at the earliest 62-63​​ CE​​ (disputed) – but probably after Israel’s destruction, in 73 CE, and John in 93-94 CE.

You read above, that Doston Jones makes remarks…that at the time prior to the Gospels getting names to them, there existed numeral OTHER Gospels, telling the story of Jesus and the disciples.​​ 

Maybe there existed 40 Gospel stories, written by 40 unknown writers. But as time went on, we got delivered 10% of these, - which is four Gospels??? ​​ The naming of these occurred around 200 CE according to scholars/historians.






Paul had his 9 co-workers/ministers spread HIS Gospel already in 63-64 to 67-68 CE, as he administered this operation from his jail cell in Rome. That was when God revealed His Mystery to Paul, which he wrote in Ephesians and Colossians. His epistles are NOT​​ anonymously written, for his name is noted in both. In Colossians he also names Timothy as if he was a co-writer,​​ Col. 1:1, 2,​​ NASB,

“1​​ Paul,​​ an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and​​ Timothy​​ our brother,​​ 


2​​ To the saints and faithful brethren in Christ who are at Colossae: Grace to you and peace from God our Father.”







The grave​​ and most fatal error inside Christendom today and for centuries back, is that one​​ constantly uses the four gospels​​ as if they are doctrine to the church.

They are not.

The Gospel​​ revealed​​ through Paul (Eph. 3:3) had nothing to do with the four historical writings​​ falsely called Gospels –​​ they are classified by most scholars as historic documents on same level as with the Book of Acts. Why didn’t Acts got the title​​ “Gospel of Acts” ?​​ Because this historical document is not a message like a Faith Doctrine. But thus we see that the four Gospels are not really Gospels, with a salvation-message for the Church. They are four separate writings telling the history of Jesus Messiah, His birth, ministry to Israel,​​ His death on the cross,​​ and His resurrection and ascension.​​ And they give partial quotations on what Jesus told His people, the Jews, to whom He was sent.​​ We cannot ever use such quotations as if they are belonging to the Faith Doctrine of the Church.

The four Gospels and Acts simply gives us the​​ history recorded of Jesus and His followers,​​ the latter who continued the Gospel ministry established by Jesus, as told in Acts.

This was entirely regarding God’s dealing​​ exclusively​​ with His nation Israel.

Mat. 15:24,​​ NASB,

But He​​ answered​​ and​​ said,​​ "I was​​ sent​​ only​​ *​​ *​​ to the​​ lost​​ sheep​​ of the​​ house​​ of​​ Israel."

Rom. 15:8, NASB,

For I​​ say​​ that​​ Christ​​ has​​ become​​ a​​ servant​​ to the​​ circumcision​​ on​​ behalf​​ of the​​ truth​​ of​​ God​​ to​​ confirm​​ the​​ promises​​ given to the​​ fathers,

Mat. 10:5,​​ NASB,

“5 These twelve Jesus sent out after instructing them: "Do not go in the way of the Gentiles, and do not enter any city of the Samaritans;​​ 


6 but rather go to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.


This is​​ hard​​ scriptural evidence to the fact that the 12 apostles NEVER were told to go out into the world outside of Israel. Acts confirms this as well, since we cannot find any apostle (from the 12) who ministered outside the land.​​ Acts tells us they were all working inside the land.​​ Mat. 28 and the ‘Great commission’ are misunderstood, as to the idea that Jesus told them to go​​ international and in world-wide mission! ​​​​ But Acts 10 and Peter in Cornelius’ house refutes such an idea. The Kingdom-Gospel the 12 preached was only to Israel. Peter had never had any fellowship with Gentiles, he said himself. This was 8-9 years after Acts 2 and Pentecost. He only went to Jews. As did the other apostles.


Only Paul had a calling of​​ going international,​​ Acts 9:15,​​ NASB,


But the​​ Lord​​ said​​ to him,​​ "Go, for he is a​​ chosen​​ instrument​​ of​​ Mine, to​​ bear​​ My​​ name​​ before​​ the​​ Gentiles​​ and​​ kings​​ and the​​ sons​​ of​​ Israel;







Not only did these ignorant early Church leaders come up with​​ ordinances and works for salvation (check Didache) – but actually did not understand that only Paul had been given the revelation of the Mystery, the ‘One New Man’ as told in Eph. 2:14, 15.


Thus they mixed in ordinances from the Law of Moses with these Gospel stories.


I have many articles and writings in which I expose the TV-Healers and Word of Faith and NAR-movement. Headed by such infamous preachers as Kenneth Copeland, Joel Osteen and many others.


As well as the early revivalists like Oral Roberts, William Branham, T.L. Osborn and the likes.


They all went​​ forth with their grave heresies, basing their deceptive messages on a mixture of the Law of Moses, the four Gospels and Acts, as if these are faith doctrine to the Church.


Using Moses’ words of ​​ ..I am the Lord, your physician…if you keep My Word I shall keep sickness away from you…​​ and all such desperate heretical preaching. The many preachers of today do not understand that we cannot take old promises given to Israel, as if these were given to the Church! ​​ The Church is NOT Israel, and vice-versa.


In Paul’s free Grace Gospel, found inside Ephesians and Colossians, he does not teach of miracles and healings, no speaking in tongues, no water baptism, Holy Communion, Confession of sin, and such things.​​ Col. 2:13-17​​ goes in details regarding the Law and ordinances,


“13​​ When you were dead in your transgressions and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made you alive together with Him, having forgiven us all our transgressions,​​ 


14​​ having canceled out the certificate of debt consisting of decrees against us, which was hostile to us; and He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross.​​ 


15​​ When He had disarmed the rulers and authorities, He made a public display of them, having triumphed over them through Him.​​ 


16​​ Therefore no one is to act as your judge in regard to food or drink or in respect to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath day-​​ 


17​​ things which are a mere shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.”​​ 


Neither can we find the​​ Parousia,​​ Greek for the Second Advent. Neither can we find warnings against the Anti-Christ who shall come to Israel. And so on. Paul had a totally NEW revelation, the revelation of the Mystery – implying that Jews and Gentiles from now on, in faith in Christ, had been made into​​ ‘One New Man’, the Body of Christ, the Church to which Jesus is the Head.




The four Gospels are titled in error.


They should have been titled something like,​​ The History of Jesus Messiah – His life and death and resurrection.


None of the four Gospels has the salvation Gospel given to us through Paul’s apostolic ministry! Only Paul was sent to us Gentiles, while the twelve were sent to Israel in their land.








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 ​​​​ Copied from Kenneth Copeland’s website​​ www.kcbiblecollege.org ​​​​ - showing their own presentation of what topics are taught at ​​​​ Kenneth Copeland Bible College ​​ courses the first and second years,​​ - and I have​​ RED-marked​​ some​​ of​​ the individual class-titles, so you can notice what great error this whole enterprise is promoting. Copeland has even taken the​​ liberty to go boasting, seen in his statement below, - quote: ​​ "They will experience the revival capital of the world in its entirety, while serving in various areas​​ such as: Superkid Academy, 14forty, Aviation, Media, and Worship.”

Copeland thus thinks that Fort​​ Worth in Texas is the hub, the very pinnacle of Gospel preaching.​​ 


I would rather characterize this kind of heretic enterprise as ‘A center for world-wide deception’ – since it is well known in Christendom that Kenneth Copeland along with many other (former)​​ Word of Faith pastors…took one more step into deception, namely professing to the NAR-movement. Copeland obviously thinks he is an​​ apostle​​ sent out by God, on same spiritual level as with the thirteen apostles found in the New Testament! Not only does he stand forth as a NAR-believer, but he also supports the false religion of​​ Christian Zionism –​​ thus supporting Israel, the worst and​​ sworn enemies​​ of Christ!




1 Year KCBC


“Our 1st year is designed to give students a strong biblical foundation along with practical experience in ministry. In addition to foundational bible classes, students will have the opportunity to serve in various areas in the church and ministry in our Service Internship, which will help them discover their gifts and calling. Students will experience mentorship and training by our experienced staff and instructors.​​ 

Core Courses

  • Bible Study Methods

  • Old Testament Survey

  • New Testament Survey

  • Prayer I

  • Christ the Healer

  • The Life of Christ

  • The Blessing

  • Holy Spirit

  • Foundations of Faith

  • Budget and Finance

  • The Jews, The Nations, and The Church

  • Ministry Survey and Practicum I

  • Ministry Survey and Practicum II

  • Ethics: Honor, Integrity, and Excellence

  • Ministry Seminar I (Special Topics)

  • Ministry Seminar II (Special Topics)

  • Personal Evangelism

Course Descriptions

* Courses subject to change

2 Year KCBC

In our 2nd year, students will gain a deeper knowledge about excellence and integrity in ministry as defined in scripture. Their knowledge of the word will grow and as they take our second year bible classes. Students will also have opportunities for ministry-specific electives and internships that will further their development in their individual ministry callings. They will experience the revival capital of the world in its entirety while serving in various areas such as: Superkid Academy, 14forty, Aviation, Media, and Worship.​​ 

Core Courses

  • Authority of the Believer

  • The Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit

  • Old Testament Truths

  • Prayer II

  • New Testament Truths

  • Principles of Biblical Interpretation

  • Laws of Prosperity

  • Church History

  • Ministry Survey and Practicum III

  • Ministry Survey and Practicum IIII

  • Ministry Seminar III (Special Topics)

  • Ministry Seminar IV (Special Topics)

  • Family and Ministry

  • People Skills

  • Preaching and Teaching

Elective Courses

  • Prayer Dynamics: Prevailing in Prayer

  • Business and Marketplace Leadership

  • Writing Content in Ministry

  • Revival History: What Every Christian Should Know

  • Media and Technology in Ministry I

  • Media and Technology in Ministry II

  • Ministry of Helps

  • Church/Ministry Administration

  • Missions and Outreach

  • Pastoral Ministry

  • Biblical Counseling I

  • Crisis Response and The Church

  • Children and Youth Ministry

  • Young Adults Ministry

  • Worship Ministry I

  • Worship Ministry II







The listing of topics in Bible classes above, gives us a fair hint as to which kind of Bible faith these are based upon: Typical Word of Faith falsehood, prosperity gospel in all its ugliness. Which was based upon the Pentecostal heresy​​ of ​​ the​​ ‘New Pentecost’ as referred to the Azusa Street Revival of 1906.

I​​ Red-marked​​ above “Authority of the believer”, “The Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit” and “Laws of Prosperity”. ​​ Themes, which the Bible student are being taught already in their first year on the Campus. It’s a total disaster for them, without them knowing how​​ destructive false teaching​​ really is. They are on their way to go down…ending their lives as​​ spiritual wreckage​​ and even as promoters of lies and deception! ​​ They will have to answer to Christ for this.​​ Two of these topics I shall comment on.


“Authority of the believer” ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ “The Fruit and Gifts of the Spirit”


These​​ are​​ well-known​​ ‘labels’​​ found and used constantly in the Word of Faith and NAR circles. Oh…we have been given/ordained with the same power and authority as seen with the apostles of Christ in Acts!! ​​ 

This is a​​ constant brainwash-lie​​ meeting Bible students in such​​ enterprises as mentioned. It is​​ the same as earlier found with heretics as Oral Robert, William Branham, T.L. Osborn, and a host of TV-healers and evangelists in the years following Azusa Street Revival 1906-1913.​​ 

My advice is: Get away from that teaching…now…run for your life!

Get on the first bus or plane you can, and go home! Save yourself from destructive influences coming from such false teachers as Copeland, Osteen, and the lot. As a believer, I can tell you one thing for certain: You have AUTHORITHY to flee away from evil!​​ 

Christ and the Holy Spirit will help you, I am sure. Be wise – listen to experienced Bible teachers who can point you to the right teacher, Paul the apostle to the Gentiles.​​ 

His Grace-Gospel is found in Ephesians and Colossians, and no other NT writings. Miracles and signs and healings were only ordained to the apostles, as proof to Israel of God being with the apostles. Such things were never given to the Church.​​ Paul did not teach the Church of miracles, signs, healings, speaking in tongues, prophesying, and etcetera. Ephesians and Colossians are totally void of any such things. The gifts and powerful manifestations in Acts were​​ only for the apostles​​ as I said above.

Kenneth Copeland and all his likeminded colleagues, are telling dreamlike lies and fantasies…they think of themselves as apostles and prophets, but they are less than ‘Toilet Attendants’ in importance. However, it is evident that the ‘Father of lies’ – Satan, love to have such obedient servants​​ deceiving Christianity.

Eph. 4:25-27, NASB,

“25​​ Therefore, laying aside falsehood, SPEAK TRUTH EACH ONE of you WITH HIS NEIGHBOR, for we are members of one another.​​ 


26​​ BE ANGRY, AND yet DO NOT SIN; do not let the sun go down on your anger,​​ 


27 and do not give the devil an opportunity.”​​ 





Considered the wealthiest pastor in America — with​​ an alleged estimated net worth​​ of $760 million — televangelist Kenneth Copeland is in hot water after an extensive investigation by the​​ Houston Chronicle​​ revealed how he has been living in a tax-free mega-mansion worth $7 million and paid for by Texas taxpayers for years.

The 85-year-old pastor’s house spans 18,000 square feet and is made up of six bedrooms and six bathrooms, located on an exclusive lake community outside Fort Worth.

The luxury pad, Copeland’s primary residence, is situated on one acre and surrounded by a 24-acre lakefront tract, which is valued “extraordinarily low” at $125,000, according to the Chronicle. Because of its low value, Copeland’s Eagle Mountain International Church — which Copeland founded in 1967 and which technically owns the home — pays less than $3,000 a year in property taxes, records show. The value was agreed upon by the Tarrant Appraisal District in Fort Worth as part of a dispute resolution agreement with the church.

But real estate experts said that the waterfront property in an open market would actually sell for millions.

Because Copeland claimed the mansion as a “clergy residence,” the home qualified for a 100% tax break. Without the break, Copeland would otherwise have an annual property tax exceeding $150,000.”


Thus far, what some of the news media reports of this infamous 85-year old ‘pastor’. Would you like to have this fellow teaching you in Biblical doctrine of faith?​​ ​​ The richest ‘prosperity-pimp’ in the USA!

His big load of money-wealth has not come from Christ, - but from gullible believers who wanted to get as rich as he, and donated their money to his ministry, which​​ promises wealth and riches​​ to those who make such donations. It’s the same old song…in all the Charismatic​​ camps, …give your money to the ministry, and God will bless you and make you rich! ​​​​ This whole scheme is an act of grand theft and fraud. He has ‘sold’ people a lie, and these unfortunate people never see any of the wealth-promises come true in their lives. But the bank account of Kenneth Copeland keeps increasing…with huge amounts of dollars.

Such a ‘Gospel-Message’ didn’t come from God, but from His enemy, the devil.

Below,​​ an image of​​ the huge mansion of the Copeland family, sited right outside of Fort​​ Worth.​​ It is challenged only by​​ Joel Osteen’s mansion right outside of Houston.

Copeland is just laughing of anyone who presents these facts to him face-to-face:

You may think that house is too big,” the​​ prosperity preacher​​ stated at the 2015 convention. “You may think it’s too grand. I don’t care what you think. I heard from heaven. Glory to God, hallelujah!'”

Built in 1999, the property “has a sweeping spiral staircase and a bridge that spans across the living room and connects the two sides of the house,” a 2011 report by the US Senate Finance Committee stated, according to the Chronicle story. “It also has crystal chandeliers and, according to Gloria Copeland, doors that ‘came from a castle,’ along with a ‘huge drop-down ceiling projector and screen’ in the bedroom.”

This all is a testimony of​​ human greed and sinful desires. Paul called this for ‘Filthy lucre’​​ – as he exhorted his believers not to get taken with the riches in this world, but​​ rather seeking​​ the riches of God in Christ!

It is a great difference between honest work, paid with a monthly salary, or if you are a lucky share-holder earning even millions on the stock-exchange…you have risked your own money, - compared to greedy TV-preachers craving for your money by giving false miracle-promises. The latter is a fraud and should actually have been punished. But no one has made laws against such spiritual fraud. However, I believe God has a punishment for such frauds; He will not have anyone like these up in His high heaven! Paul is clear,​​ Eph. 5:5,

“5​​ For this you know with certainty, that no * immoral or impure person​​ or​​ covetous​​ man,​​ who​​ is an​​ idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God.​​ 


6​​ Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.​​ 


7​​ Therefore do not be partakers with them;”​​ 


Col. 3:1-4​​ NASB, is also very clear to us believers,

“1​​ Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God.​​ 


2​​ Set your mind on the things above,​​ not on the things that are on​​ earth.​​ 


3​​ For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.​​ 


4​​ When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.






These so-called​​ Laws are something which he was​​ taught back in the day, as a student of Kenneth Hagin Sr. at Rhema Bible Church, Tulsa. It​​ is old Word of Faith heresies all of it.


This is listed in the topics taught in Copeland’s College classes, in the beginning of this article, one of the​​ RED-marked titles.


So here it is, the​​ 7 Laws of Prosperity,​​ clipped in from the web site of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. It is one exposing list of heretical Bible perversion, as he takes just about every passage out of its original context. He teaches Tithing, and that​​ Christians​​ have a covenant with God, likewise, he teaches we must be ‘born again’, and so forth and so on.​​ He constantly use the historical writings, the Gospels, as if they are Doctrine of Faith for this Church dispensation. Such usage of the Bible is a clear no-go among learned Bible expositors. We can only hold Paul’s epistles as such doctrine, namely Ephesians and Colossians.


Check it out. You will find that​​ just about all​​ he teaches here is total lies and heresies, a perversion of the Bible.


Many of Copeland’s passages and Bible references are from the Tora of Moses and prophets.​​ The Law which, says Paul,​​ Christ had abolished at the cross.​​ God had Christ blotting out that Law…and yet, here we find a heretic,​​ teaching several ordinances from that Law??!! (Eph. 2:14, 15).


The 7 Laws of Prosperity

May 1, 2023


(Kenneth Copeland Ministries)


“If you’re ready to live the life God desires you to have, it’s important to understand whole-life prosperity. Begin today with these 7 laws of prosperity.

Well-being. Success. Abundance. Overflow. These are all definitions of the good life—of prosperity. And despite religious tradition claiming that it is ungodly or selfish, prosperity is God’s will for you.

Have you ever noticed that the Scriptures don’t say God will give you just enough to get by? Instead, the Bible uses words like overflow, plentiful and abundance. God wants to do exceedingly, abundantly​​ above all we can even ask or think (Ephesians 3:19-21), and He tells us that He plans for us to succeed (Jeremiah 29:11). That’s a prosperous life!

God wants to bless us with whole-life prosperity to establish His covenant with us, give us life more abundantly, and empower us to bless others and further the gospel of Jesus Christ. The idea that God wants His people sick, sad or living in poverty is completely against His Word and His very nature.

God isn’t opposed to our being rich. That doesn’t upset Him even a little. In fact, He delights in our prosperity (Psalm 35:27). He’s just opposed to our becoming covetous and greedy. God has a full supply, lacking nothing, and He wants us to be the same way.

If you’re ready to live the life He desires you to have, it’s important to first understand how to get there. Begin today with these 7 laws of prosperity.

1. Prosperity Is More Than Finances

“I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.” –3 John 1:2 (NKJV)

Whenever someone mentions “the prosperity gospel,” especially in a negative sense, they are referring to money only. That’s certainly part of living life more abundantly, but that isn’t all Jesus had in mind. It would be easy to settle for spiritual prosperity, but that type of spiritual laziness does not bring glory to God and give full honour to what Jesus paid for us to enjoy here on earth. It is the will of God for us to be made whole—spirit, soul and body—and to be kept that way until the return of our Lord Jesus Christ (see 1 Thessalonians 5:23).

What is included in whole-life prosperity?

  • Spiritual Prosperity. To prosper spiritually, you must be born again. When you accept Jesus as your Saviour and make Him the Lord of your life, your spirit is reborn and brought into fellowship with the Father, Almighty God.

  • Emotional Prosperity. True peace and joy cannot be found in this world without Christ. That’s why we see people remarrying over and over, using antidepressants, contemplating suicide,​​ tearing other people down, using drugs or even questioning their God-given gender. That is not the abundant life Jesus came to give us, and it is anything but prosperity. Jesus fills the voids: He brings answers where there were questions, confidence where there was insecurity, hope where there was once hopelessness.

  • Mental Prosperity. The world thinks of mental prosperity as simply “knowing it all,” but God had something much better in mind. Mental prosperity includes revelation knowledge, mental abilities beyond our own, and a sharp mind until the day we go home to heaven. It means casting down imaginations and being in control of your own thoughts.

  • Physical Prosperity. The world’s system of healing makes a god of the hospital and a god of medicine. Actually, for the most part, it leaves God out entirely, and without God, it will not work! God has a better way. He wants you to walk in supernatural and divine health all the days of your life.

  • Relational Prosperity. Only God can truly prosper you in the area of relationships. He is the giver of good and perfect gifts. He can bring reconciliation where the world would say all hope is lost, and He can grant you a strong and lasting marriage, and healthy family relationships and friendships. There is a special peace in relational prosperity. He wants you to have it.

  • Accomplishment Prosperity. In other words—favour. When you have favour, it opens doors for you and causes things to go your way—even when, in the natural, it may not seem possible. When you succeed at something, you prosper. God desires us to have success in life!

  • Financial Prosperity. If a man came to you needing clothes and you didn’t have any clothes to give, both of you would be in trouble. We are to prosper so that we might provide abundantly for our own families, bless those around us, and fund the work of the kingdom of God here on earth.

This is the basic, fundamental truth that runs throughout the entire Bible. Every time there was a need, no matter what that need was, God had a man somewhere who had the resources—spiritually, mentally or financially—to meet that need.

2. Tithing Is Tied to Prosperity

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse…and try Me now in this…if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it.” –Malachi 3:10 (NKJV)

Handling someone else’s money is the testing ground—the qualifier—for Kingdom prosperity. This all begins with the proper handling of what belongs to God—the tithe. Tithing is the open door to THE BLESSING that God set forth to meet your needs, bless you, and keep you prosperous.

In Deuteronomy 28, God spoke to the Israelites about the curse and THE BLESSING. But just prior, in Deuteronomy 26, He talked to them about letting Him in on their finances—through the tithe. Why? Not because God needed the money, but because they needed help. They were going into the Promise Land where there were many challenges. So, He told them about tithing, the curse and THE BLESSING, in that order.

And you know, it’s still the same today. If you’ve been thinking, I believe in tithing, but I just can’t afford it,​​ you’re going backward. Because if you don’t let THE BLESSING in, the curse comes in.

Have questions about tithing? We have answers! Find them in “Tithing 101.”​​ 

3. Debt Freedom Is Key to Prosperity

“The borrower is slave to the lender.” –Proverbs 22:7 (NIV)

Owing another man is bondage—a chain that belongs on no child of God. To live fully in prosperity, debt freedom is key. The world has a system of finance that is complex and very poor in operation. It continually rocks back and forth between the two extremes of depression and inflation.

However, when you are functioning in God’s system of finance, life can be very simple. Don’t borrow from anyone—get it from God. The problem with borrowing is that it is controlled by the world’s system. In order to borrow, you must subordinate yourself to another person. Instead, look to God, He will give to you, not loan to you!

When Kenneth and Gloria Copeland first set out to obey God according to Romans 13:8, which says “owe no one anything” (NKJV), they had a long way to go! However, they were determined. They sat down and wrote out what it would take to operate their household abundantly. Then they prayed over it in the Name of Jesus. At that moment, they made up their minds to never borrow money again, and in less than 12 months, they did not owe anything and haven’t owed a penny since.

4. Pay Taxes Without Grumbling

“Pay your taxes and government fees to those who collect them, and give respect and honor to those who are in authority.” –Romans 13:7

One of the major things that will foul up your life where prosperity is concerned is bad-mouthing the government and its leaders, particularly in the area of taxation. Most people are operating in strife where their taxes are concerned, and it has a direct relationship to the government that provides our financial system. One day the Lord told Brother Copeland, “Quit grumbling and complaining about your tax money. Pay it cheerfully the way you do your tithe, and I’ll bless it.” From then on, he and Gloria started praying over their tax money—just as they do their tithe—and they have never had a tax bill that they couldn’t pay.

Get strife and hard feelings toward your government out of your heart! The Word says we are to pray and give thanks for our leaders, not bad-mouth them! When you begin to change your heart and come into obedience to God’s Word in this area, it will open an area of prosperity you didn’t even know existed, and you will live in an abundance of peace in your land.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach about the laws of prosperity.

5. You Must Know How to Give and Receive

“Give and it shall be given unto you.” –Luke 6:38 (KJV)

The spiritual law of prosperity contains both giving and receiving. Jesus knew the spiritual law of giving, and He operated it proficiently. He gave to the poor at such an astonishing rate that​​ when Judas left the room during the Last Supper, some people thought that he must be going to give to the poor.

Do you want a hundredfold return on your money—to live in financial prosperity? Give and let God multiply it back to you. No bank in the world offers this kind of return! Praise the Lord!

As believers, we need to exercise faith not only in seeking how much and where to sow, but also in receiving the harvest on the seeds we sow. Harvesting is vitally important because there are always more people that the Lord can empower us to bless when we are receiving the good things, He has for us. Don’t get stuck in false humility, refusing to receive what God desires to give you. Instead, become a good giver and a good receiver—it’s spiritual law!

6. You Must Choose God’s System

“Be not conformed to this world.” –Romans 12:2 (KJV)

There are two choices before you—the world’s system or God’s system. This is true if you want to enjoy prosperity in your health, finances, mind, relationships, peace, joy or any other area of life. The world tells you to go deeper and deeper in debt, expect to get sick or diseased, get divorced if you don’t like your spouse, and do whatever makes you feel good in the moment. But those aren’t God’s ways. The Bible says the things of God are foolishness to the world (1 Corinthians 2:14).

The world will always give you the option of choosing its system, but God’s way is always the better way. When you come to a crossroad, you’ll see the world calling you to believe in pharmaceuticals, information on the internet, or the latest research. “This is the answer!” they’ll shout. Don’t expect God’s best to come from the world’s system. He will work around and through it in order to reach you, but it is always far below His best.

Don’t be conformed to this world. Choose God’s way—it always leads to prosperity.

7. You Will Have What You Say

“He will have whatever he says.” –Mark 11:23 (NKJV)

In Mark 11:23, Jesus introduced a principle—a spiritual law—that works. It doesn’t make sense to the natural mind that with faith you can have whatever you say even though it may be contrary to what you can see with your physical eyes. But Jesus said it, and by the eternal Almighty God, it is so! When you act on it, mix your faith with it, and don’t doubt in your heart, this spiritual law will work for you!

God created all things by the power of His Word. Each time God spoke, He released His own faith—which was the very creative power that brought His words to pass. In doing so, He demonstrated how words are spiritual containers that carry the power to shape our destiny. Our words contain and release our faith. But what is most exciting is that when we speak God’s words about our lives, we release the creative power of God’s faith into our situations.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach about the law of words at Kenneth Copeland Bible College™!

So, every time we confess the Word of God from a heart that’s confident God will do in our lives what He said—according to Jesus in Mark 11:24—we shall have what we say.

These seven laws of prosperity work the same as the laws of salvation, healing and so forth. We are dealing with the same God, the same Word, the same Jesus, the same force of faith and the same thief. A farmer can intend to have a good crop, but if he never plants the seed, how can he possibly produce a harvest? If you want to reap a harvest—you have to obey the laws! The seven laws of prosperity will bring results!» ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​ ​​​​ END OF COPELANDS ARTICLE.



Following the original Law of Moses with its ordinances, would be a lot easier than trying to follow these paragraphs​​ and points brought forth by Copeland.

But we cannot follow the Law of Moses, because Christ had it abolished at the cross! Nor can we follow such maddening and thoughtless nonsense presented by Kenneth Copeland.​​ 

No folks, - God did NOT send out Mr. Copeland, - he sent us the apostle Paul, and we are taught by his two Church-epistles Ephesians and Colossians, how it is with our wellbeing and heavenly salvation.

Thousands and thousands of believers were​​ saved by faith alone, due to Paul’s epistles, as he directed his nine co-workers to spread the Grace-Gospel in Asia Minor (Turkey) 1960 years ago.​​ No dumb and false “How to’s” from Paul, so believers could get rich and wealthy and successful. Jesus never was the teacher to the Church; He was a teacher to the Jews. Paul was sent by Jesus out to us Gentiles, to be a teacher to the Gentiles. Rom. 15:8 says that Christ became a teacher to the circumcised!

This same Gospel,​​ Paul’s Gospel, is still the one-and-only Gospel to preach and teach. We are saved by faith, and no works, and NO TRICKY RECIPE​​ like the heretical ‘7 Laws of Prosperity’ - constructed by Kenneth Copeland and his henchmen.

We cannot find anything of that rubbish which he​​ let his College students be told, with Paul. It’s just not there.

Copeland’s recipe of success and wealth is a teaching which falls to the ground, as Paul points us AWAY from things on this earth, to have our attention and​​ looking up at heaven above, where Christ resides at His Father’s right hand (Col. 3:1-4).

Eph. 2:8, 9​​ says clearly (NASB),

8 For by​​ grace​​ you have been​​ saved​​ through​​ faith; and that not of​​ yourselves, it is the​​ gift​​ of​​ God;​​ 

9 not as a​​ result​​ of​​ works,​​ so​​ that​​ no​​ one​​ may​​ boast.​​ 








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Acts 22:1-22,​​ NASB,


1​​ "Brethren * and fathers, hear my defense which I now offer to you."​​ 


2​​ And when they heard that he was addressing them in the Hebrew dialect, they became even more quiet; and he said,​​ 


3​​ "I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, but brought up in this city, educated under * * Gamaliel, strictly according to the law of our fathers, being zealous for God just as you all are today.​​ 


4​​ "I persecuted this Way to the death, binding and putting both men and women into prisons,​​ 


5​​ as also the high priest and all the Council of the elders can testify. From them I also received letters to the brethren, and started off for Damascus in order to bring even those who were there to Jerusalem as prisoners to be punished.​​ 


6​​ "But it happened that as I was on my way, approaching Damascus about noontime, a very bright light suddenly flashed from heaven all around me,​​ 


7​​ and I fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to me, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?'​​ 


8​​ "And I answered, 'Who are You, Lord?' And He said to me, 'I am Jesus the Nazarene, whom you are persecuting.'​​ 


9​​ "And those who were with me saw the light, to be sure, but did not understand the voice of the One who was speaking to me.​​ 




10​​ "And I said, 'What shall I do, Lord?' And the Lord said to me, 'Get up and go on into Damascus, and there you will be told of all that has been appointed for you to do.'​​ 


11​​ "But since I could not see because of the brightness of that light, I was led by the hand by those who were with me and came into Damascus.​​ 


12​​ "A certain Ananias, a man who was devout by the standard of the Law, and well spoken of by all the Jews who lived there,​​ 


13​​ came to me, and standing near said to me, 'Brother Saul, receive your sight!' And at that very time I looked up at him.​​ 


14​​ "And he said, 'The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will and to see the Righteous One and to hear an utterance from His mouth.​​ 


15​​ 'For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard.​​ 


16​​ 'Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.'​​ 


17​​ "It happened when I returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, that I fell into a trance,​​ 


18​​ and I saw Him saying to me, 'Make haste, and get out of Jerusalem quickly, because they will not accept your testimony about Me.'​​ 


19​​ "And I said, 'Lord, they themselves understand that in one synagogue after another I used to imprison and beat those who believed in You.​​ 


20​​ 'And when the blood of Your witness Stephen was being shed, I also was standing by approving, and watching out for the coats of those who were slaying him.'​​ 


21​​ "And He said to me, 'Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles.'"​​ 


22​​ They listened to him up to this statement, and then they raised their voices and said, "Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he should not be allowed to live!"



Here is the ‘Short Version’ we are served in​​ Acts 9:3-18,​​ NASB,


“3​​ As he was​​ traveling, it​​ happened​​ that he was​​ approaching​​ Damascus, and​​ suddenly​​ a​​ light​​ from​​ heaven​​ flashed​​ around​​ him;​​ 


4​​ and he​​ fell​​ to the​​ ground​​ and​​ heard​​ a​​ voice​​ saying​​ to him,​​ "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"​​ 


5​​ And he​​ said,​​ "Who​​ are You,​​ Lord?" And He said,​​ "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting,​​ 


6​​ but get up and enter the city, and it will be told you what * you must do."​​ 


7​​ The​​ men​​ who​​ traveled​​ with him​​ stood​​ speechless,​​ hearing​​ the​​ voice​​ but​​ seeing​​ no​​ one.​​ 


8​​ Saul​​ got​​ up from the​​ ground, and though his​​ eyes​​ were​​ open, he could​​ see​​ nothing; and​​ leading​​ him by the​​ hand, they​​ brought​​ him into​​ Damascus.​​ 


9​​ And he was​​ three​​ days​​ without​​ sight, and​​ neither​​ ate​​ nor​​ drank.​​ 


10​​ Now​​ there was a​​ disciple​​ at​​ Damascus​​ named​​ Ananias; and the​​ Lord​​ said​​ to him in a​​ vision,​​ "Ananias."​​ And he​​ said,​​ "Here​​ I am,​​ Lord."​​ 


11​​ And the​​ Lord​​ said to him,​​ "Get up and go to the street called Straight, and inquire at the house of Judas for a man from Tarsus named Saul, for he is praying,​​ 


12​​ and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him, so that he might regain his sight."​​ 


13​​ But​​ Ananias​​ answered,​​ "Lord, I have​​ heard​​ from​​ many​​ about​​ this​​ man,​​ how​​ much​​ harm​​ he​​ did​​ to Your​​ saints​​ at​​ Jerusalem;​​ 


14​​ and​​ here​​ he​​ has​​ authority​​ from the​​ chief​​ priests​​ to​​ bind​​ all​​ who​​ call​​ on Your​​ name."​​ 


15​​ But the​​ Lord​​ said​​ to him,​​ "Go, for he is a chosen instrument of Mine, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings and the sons of Israel;​​ 


16​​ for I will show him how much he must suffer for My name's sake."​​ 


17​​ So​​ Ananias​​ departed​​ and​​ entered​​ the​​ house, and after​​ laying​​ his​​ hands​​ on him​​ said, "Brother​​ Saul, the​​ Lord​​ Jesus, who​​ appeared​​ to you on the​​ road​​ by​​ which​​ you were​​ coming, has​​ sent​​ me​​ so​​ that you may​​ regain​​ your​​ sight​​ and be​​ filled​​ with the​​ Holy​​ Spirit."​​ 


18​​ And​​ immediately​​ there​​ fell​​ from his​​ eyes​​ something​​ like​​ scales, and he​​ regained​​ his​​ sight, and he​​ got​​ up and was​​ baptized;​​ 

and he​​ took​​ food​​ and was​​ strengthened.



Well, it might not be entirely correct to make these two passages of Scripture in the manner of a ‘Long Version’ and a ‘Short Version’.


But I willfully took this angle, just so we have cleared the Bible truth in this:​​ The ‘Short Version’ is the conversion of Paul referred to us by Luke – that is, seen​​ from outside of Paul’s own mind​​ and thoughts. And the ‘Long Version’ is the one told by Paul, as it went down, ​​​​ becoming a whole new and shocking experience for him.​​ 


I am quite sure of that Paul must have been taken with serious fear and awe…having heard the voice of Christ addressing him directly.​​ As well as having been blinded by the super-natural light hitting him.


I even think that Paul​​ may have had doubts​​ whether he was allowed to stay alive anymore. He had arrested and falsely helped the priesthood in Jerusalem to have these prisoners executed, since they were all believers in Jesus as the Messiah. (It is seen in N.T. very clearly that Messianic believers were​​ destined for executions, and not long sentences to do time in prison, and then sat free).


Acts 22:14,​​ 15,​​ Paul told how he heard the Lord’s orders regarding his coming ministry,


“14​​ "And he said, 'The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will and to see the Righteous One and to hear an utterance from His mouth.​​ 


15​​ 'For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard.”​​ 



Jesus had a​​ full plan​​ for Paul’s life: he was chosen especially to go to the children of Israel, and to Gentiles, and to kings​​ (Acts 9:15).


My sectioning of a ‘Long Version’ and a ‘Short Version’ is not to put the two up against each other. The two rather makes a better WHOLE…a more complete and solid piece of Bible truth.


Paul’s testimony to the temple mob was ended with some rather provoking words, which really set fire to this already angry mob – so they fell into a rage,​​ Acts 22:21, 22,


“21​​ "And He said to me, 'Go! For I will send you far away to the Gentiles.'"​​ 


22​​ They listened to him up to this statement, and then they raised their voices and said,​​ "Away with such a fellow from the earth, for he should not be allowed to live!"


The Jewish mob declared publicly in the temple site that Paul ought to be executed…in the manner of the mob itself doing this!​​ They were greatly insulted by hearing that a Jew should go to Gentiles!


Luke reported of Paul in​​ Acts 23:11,​​ NASB,​​ that sending him to the Gentiles​​ far away,​​ was in more accurate terms, sending him to Rome,


But on the​​ night​​ immediately​​ following, the​​ Lord​​ stood​​ at his side and​​ said,​​ "Take​​ courage; for as you have​​ solemnly​​ witnessed​​ to My​​ cause​​ *​​ at​​ Jerusalem,​​ so​​ you​​ must​​ witness​​ at​​ Rome​​ also."


Check out my articles​​ on Paul’s dramatically sea voyage to Rome, titled​​ Paul’s Journey to Rome Was Entirely Piloted by the Lord” – (Part 1 and Part 2).


These two​​ articles let us learn how it was as Christ willfully sent Paul there, not to visit the Messianic believers, but to​​ confront the Sanhedrin Counsel​​ of​​ the eleven synagogues in Rome. God wanted a final answer from Israel: will they receive Jesus as Messiah or will they turn this offer down?


They turned Paul’s message down, and God counted that act of disbelief as the FALL OF ISRAEL. And only 10 years later, 70 CE, the nation was utterly destroyed by the Roman Empire due to the up rise in 66-70 CE.
















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 ​​​​ Sorry friends, but we cannot blame God for our own stumbling​​ errors.

Errors that occur mostly because of our​​ lack of knowledge​​ in the Word of God.

My headline above is pointing to a problem which, in Christianity, is a huge and wide-spread matter, and it has become one of the most misunderstood ones in history.

Simply because God, Who so graciously sent His beloved Son Jesus to save us, never ever promised the Church those same Holy Spirit miracles and power,​​ as seen with the Lord’s apostles.​​ 

These mighty signs of healings and miracles, and of speaking in tongues, and prophesying​​ ​​ it​​ was given to the believers of God’s nation Israel as signs; signs which were meant to prove that God was with the apostles.

Mark 16:17-20,​​ NASB, testifies in​​ past tense, saying,

17​​ "These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues;​​ 


18​​ they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover *."​​ 


19​​ So then, when the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, He was received up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of God.​​ 


20​​ And they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them,​​ and​​ confirmed​​ the​​ word​​ by the​​ signs​​ that​​ followed.] [And they promptly reported all these instructions to Peter and his companions. And after that, Jesus Himself sent out through them from east to west the sacred and imperishable proclamation of eternal salvation. ]​​  ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


Miracles, healings and signs stops right there.​​ This was only given to the twelve apostles, plus later on also to Paul.​​ 

In the Bible we cannot find such super-natural signs post-Acts. It stopped abruptly because of Israel’s failure to receive Jesus as their Messiah.

The final testimony of God performing healing miracles in the New Testament, was when Paul arrived Malta in​​ Acts 28:8, 9,​​ NASB,​​ 

“8​​ And it happened that the father of Publius was lying in bed afflicted with recurrent fever and dysentery; and Paul went in to see him and after he had prayed, he laid his hands on him and healed him.​​ 


9​​ After this had happened, the rest of the people on the island who had diseases were coming to him and getting cured.”​​ 




In my website I have published tons of articles, even books, on how it is that God NEVER sent any ‘New Pentecost’ to earth, like we learn of Pentecost in Acts 2.

This is simply a lie, a​​ false teaching​​ which cannot be found in the Bible. You can check out my articles for yourselves.

So whenever a believer in Christ pray to God in Jesus name, that He should be merciful and heal him of his sickness and infirmities, - having believed this false ‘healing gospel, found in Pentecostal camps,​​ there comes no answer from heaven. The miracle hoped for never shows up. Its total silence…and then many​​ desperate believers​​ start blaming God for not listening to prayers.

Stop blaming God, and START understanding the Bible rightly.




Probably 99% of you​​ believers out there already go​​ to the doctor. Even undergoing serious surgery in hospitals. And at the same time praying to God for help. That is actually all we can do about it.​​ 

But many sick people are on​​ medication​​ for their sicknesses. This is normal. But then many believers make an error: When the medications seem to work and the sickness goes away, then all of a sudden, ‘GOD HAS DONE A MIRACLE FOR ME’. He healed me, praise Jesus!

But is this really true?

You know the answer to that. Getting gradually cured by the use of medicine, and eventually getting all well, is NOT a miracle of God.

Yes, you can thank God for having helped you, indirectly, in that He put​​ medical stuff​​ (poisons actually)​​ in many of the plants He once created.​​ Medical raw material which, when refined by medical science, comes up with painkillers, sleeping pills, anti-bacterial pills and all these sorts​​ we find on the pharmaceutical market today. Thank God for having​​ already created​​ such aid for our health and well-being. But of course, none of this can compete with God when He performs​​ His wonders, signs and miracles.

Getting cured by certain pills is NOT a miracle. But God can be praised for having made it possible for humankind to obtain help by medicine. Do always praise God in Jesus name, but NEVER must you think of blaming Him, -​​ for anything whatsoever.




It was not medicine which healed the lame beggar at the temple gate in​​ Acts 3:3-10, NASB, it was a great miracle sign of God,


“3​​ When he saw Peter and John about to go into the temple, he began asking to receive alms.​​ 


4​​ But Peter, along with John, fixed his gaze on him and said, "Look at us!"​​ 


5​​ And he began to give them his attention, expecting to receive something from them.​​ 


6​​ But Peter said, "I do not possess silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you: In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene -walk!"​​ 


7 And seizing him by the right hand, he raised him up; and immediately his feet and his ankles were strengthened.​​ 


8​​ With a leap he stood upright and began to walk; and he entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God.​​ 


9​​ And all the people saw him walking and praising God;​​ 


10​​ and they were taking note of him as being the one who used to sit at the Beautiful Gate of the temple to beg alms, and they were filled with wonder and amazement at what had happened to him.


This great SIGN of healing by the apostle Peter, made the whole place stirred up in amazement of seeing that well known lame beggar go leaping and walking around in the temple site! Verse 9 and 10 says it all.​​ 


The Pentecostals and Charismatics stubbornly holds to the false idea of miracles and healings having been​​ ‘inherited’​​ through generations​​ of believers, and since Azusa Street 1906 it all came to full ‘blossom’ so that Christians can have God perform same type of miracles as seen in Acts.​​ 

Well keep on dreaming if you so wish, but I would rather recommend getting into reality instead. There is no Bible word or apostolic teaching saying that we can have these things in Church dispensation. The Bible proves to us it was given by Christ and the Holy Spirit for​​ His apostles to be SIGNS​​ so Israel could repent to Jesus.

The reason you never get​​ God’s​​ miracles and healings for your sick body, is not because you have ‘too little faith’ – no, it is because of the fact that God NEVER promised or ordained such powers for the Church. This was only given Israel in the time of the apostles, 28 – 60 CE.

Acts 5:12-16,​​ NASB, pointing to miracles (signs)​​ which​​ were given BY THE HANDS OF THE APOSTLES,​​ (we certainly cannot see any apostles in the world today!) -


“12​​ At the​​ hands​​ of the​​ apostles​​ many​​ signs​​ and​​ wonders​​ were​​ taking​​ place​​ among​​ the​​ people;​​ and they were all with one accord in Solomon's portico.​​ 


13​​ But none of the rest dared to associate with them; however, the people held them in high esteem.​​ 


14​​ And all the more believers in the Lord, multitudes of men and women, were constantly added to their number,​​ 


15​​ to such an extent that they even carried the sick out into the streets and laid them on cots and pallets, so that when Peter came by at least his shadow might fall on any one of them.​​ 


16​​ Also the people from the cities in the vicinity of Jerusalem were coming together, bringing people who were sick or afflicted with unclean spirits,​​ and they were​​ all​​ being​​ healed.​​ 







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 ​​​​ The quoted expression above, ‘Right Division’ has been some sort of benchmark for the Acts 28-Believers like yours truly.

E.W. Bullinger, Charles Welch, Stuart Allen and several other notable Bible expositors used/use this labeling (Right Division) mostly to point to that we​​ must section​​ and ‘compartmentalize’ what is written, and to whom. Mainly it boils down to: ‘what was written to Israel, and what was written to the Church?’

This,​​ -​​ because of the need to make the Bible understandable. That is, having the believer understand how it is with the Church,​​ compared​​ to how God once dealt with Israel in the times of ​​ Jesus and His apostles.

The use of ‘Right Division’ labeling stems from​​ 2 Tim. 2:15,​​ NASB,

“Be​​ diligent​​ to​​ present​​ yourself​​ approved​​ to​​ God​​ as a​​ workman​​ who does not​​ need​​ to be​​ ashamed,​​ accurately​​ handling​​ the​​ word​​ of​​ truth.”


“Study​​ and​​ do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling​​ and​​ skillfully teaching the word of truth.”


 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed,​​ rightly dividing​​ the word of truth.”

I used just three examples above, NASB, AMP and KJV Bible. Only KJV has that exact term​​ of ​​​​ ‘rightly dividing’​​ ​​ the word of truth.

But by using this term constantly –​​ it​​ actually ties us into the time of Acts, when the apostles preached the Kingdom-Gospel to Israel. Peter and the​​ 12 inside the land, and the thirteenth apostle, Paul, to the Jews and proselytes outside the land, mainly the eastern parts of the Empire.​​ (Paul was not really counted in with the twelve, as we know).

Why so?

Because we cannot find this kind of advice taught by Paul in the two only Church epistles, Ephesians and Colossians. We find the ‘Right Division’ labeling only as addressed to Paul’s ‘Son in the faith’, Timothy.​​ The Pastorals were written during Acts era.

Actually, we find that Paul (without him telling his readers/fellow believers) did make ‘Right Division’ of the word of truth; and thus we find that his two Church epistles are already clarified as such type of writings. Both epistles are​​ entirely rightly divided​​ from THE REST OF THE BIBLE, in that they are the only writings from Paul which were addressed to this present dispensation, the Church, called ‘One new Man’ in Eph. 2:14, 15. Paul, in other words, wrote the epistles​​ in ​​​​ such manner and with such contents that none of what is written in them needs any additional ‘Right Division’. Have you ever thought of that simple fact?

For instance, the abolishment of the Law of Moses, told in both Ephesians and in Colossians, clearly cut these writings off from the Tora as well as all the prophets. Paul wrote​​ of a faith-doctrine which was based on a freshly REVEALED MYSTERY, something which had not in earlier times been revealed by God to anyone.

But in Paul’s second​​ letter to Timothy, we find that the ENTIRE BIBLE is fit to give the believers proper teaching and valid good advice and so forth.​​ Something is off here, since we know that the Church has its faith based on the REVELATION OF THE MYSTERY in Eph. 3:3.​​ (See my articles regarding the Pastoral Epistles; they are not written to the Church!)

2 Tim. 3:14-17, NASB,

“14​​ You, however, continue in the things you have learned and become convinced of, knowing from whom you have learned them,​​ 


15​​ and that from childhood you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.​​ 


16​​ All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness;​​ 


17​​ so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work”.​​ 


Of course it is correct that​​ all Scripture (O.T.) is inspired by God.​​ But inspired to address WHOM? The Church or Israel?

Paul wrote these words to Timothy in Acts period,​​ when he was​​ preaching to Israel, and so he instructed Timothy likewise. They ministered to the Jews and proselytes, and the Church dispensation was not yet revealed to anyone. That was a revelation given to Paul as he sat in jail in Rome, 63-64 CE.

And we learn from Colossians that Paul had Timothy nearby in Rome, talking with him in that jail. Thus we know that Paul could not possibly have written any letter to him – telling of the new revelation, the Church dispensation. Since then he most certainly told Timothy face-to-face of this revelation. And had no need to write to​​ him about it! ​​ Col. 1:1, 2,​​ NASB,

“1​​ Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God,​​ and Timothy our brother,​​ 

2​​ To the​​ saints​​ and​​ faithful​​ brethren​​ in​​ Christ​​ who are at​​ Colossae:​​ Grace​​ to you and​​ peace​​ from​​ God​​ our​​ Father.​​ ​​ (Editor’s emphasize)





In one instance we mostly find us Acts 28 believers keeping up a good standard – even academic standard​​ -​​ to teach the Grace Gospel of Paul according to the revelation of the Mystery; and still, in many​​ instances (as I have discovered on the internet) all too many Acts 28 believers seem to be inconsistent when they hold forth the Acts-28 beliefs!


How so?


For the first, as I already have pointed to, Paul’s exhortation to Timothy of​​ ‘Rightly Dividing the word of God’​​ was NOT an advice given him post-Acts. He told him this while still preaching to Israel of the Kingdom on earth, with Jesus as king at His Second Advent.


For the second, we find that many (maybe the majority?) Acts 28 believers carry​​ with them that well known slogan or labeling, that we must be like those​​ ‘Bereans who studied the Scriptures to find out that Paul had taught them rightly’ –​​ as in​​ Acts 17:11,​​ NASB,


10​​ The​​ brethren​​ immediately​​ sent​​ Paul​​ and​​ Silas​​ away​​ by​​ night​​ to​​ Berea, and when they​​ arrived,​​ they​​ went​​ into the​​ synagogue​​ of the​​ Jews.​​  ​​​​ 

11​​ Now​​ these​​ were​​ more​​ noble-minded​​ than​​ those​​ in​​ Thessalonica, for they​​ received​​ the​​ word​​ with​​ great​​ eagerness,​​ examining​​ the​​ Scriptures​​ daily​​ *​​ to see​​ whether​​ these​​ things​​ were​​ so.​​ 

12​​ Therefore​​ many​​ of them​​ believed,​​ along​​ with a​​ number​​ *​​ of​​ prominent​​ Greek​​ women​​ and​​ men.​​  ​​​​ (Editor’s emphasize)


Have you really thought this through, like, as in​​ academic​​ standard…checking everything to assure you read​​ this correctly?

If you really have, then you will readily see that one cannot possibly do like those Bereans mentioned. We cannot today go checking the Scriptures (O.T.) to find whether Paul preached rightly regarding the Grace Gospel! ​​ That​​ is​​ because his Grace Gospel WAS A MYSTERY HIDDEN IN GOD before He revealed it to Paul.

We can’t go into O.T. to try to find support for a Bible truth which God had kept entirely to Himself from before the creation of the world.​​ The revelation of the Mystery in Ephesians and Colossians cannot be found in any parts of the Tora or the prophets. Like it or not. These two Church epistles are the only writings in N.T. in which we find BOTH the abolishment of the Law, AND the mention of the Mystery revealed. It erases all doubts you might have had.​​ (Eph. 3:1-9; Col. 1:25, 26; 2:13-17).

The​​ ‘Berean labeling’​​ as well as​​ the ‘Right Division labeling’,​​ both are​​ dead and no longer valid.​​ Both labels​​ came from the Acts era, when the apostles preached the Kingdom-Gospel to Israel.​​ They don’t apply to the Post-Acts era, the Church dispensation.



We don’t try to rightly divide the two only Church epistles, Ephesians and Colossians, so to make sure we preach a true and correct Gospel. All things in these two epistles are true and the right Grace Gospel for our salvation. ​​ Paul did that ‘Right Division’ himself, before he sent the epistles out to the Church to be taught there!





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